Rust + Machine Learning: 007

{ nonsensecodes }
Published in
2 min readOct 24, 2023

This is part of my participation in the #100DaysOfCode challenge. This round, I’m learning Rust and Machine Learning (ML) and developing violette: a portable ML system and JavaScript API in Rust.

I remember signing up for math classes when I was attending a local community college. I needed two math classes to fulfill transfer requirements to a four-year university. I opted to take Statistics and Trigonometry.

It took me three attempts to pass Statistics. The first time I took the class, I never showed up and ended up dropping it. The second time, the class was at 6a and I just wasn’t focused enough to properly excel, and ended up dropping the class again. The third time, I forced myself to show up and do the work; I didn’t want a “W” on my record.

Trigonometry, however, was a different story. My Trigonometry professor was so incredibly passionate about mathematics, it was infectious. Not only did I excel in that class, I went on to change my major to mathematics and continued on to take Physics, Calculus, and Differential Equations.

There was a fire inside me driving me forward through those classes. I feel that fire kindling once again as I dive into probability and linear algebra.

For day seven, I began reading Introduction to Probability. It’s been years since I’ve taken a math class, or even had to exercise any of my knowledge, so it took me a while to really grasp what was being taught in the first chapter. Little by little, though, the logic came shining through. The operations and the proofs all began to make sense as I made my way through the chapter. Unions, intercepts, complementary spaces … there was a lot that was thrown at me all at once, but it was manageable. Some of it was review from curriculum I learned years ago. Much of it was new.

Granted, the chapters are fairly dense. I had hoped to complete the first chapter in one sitting, but that wasn’t going to happen. I made it through two sections in the time I allotted myself.

Still, that’s a bit of a feat for me.

In addition to the reading, I completed fleshing out the default community health files for my personal GitHub account, and my nonsensecodes GitHub org. I was under the impression that by creating this repository, the documents would be easily accessible across all of my open source repos.

Easily accessible? Nope. They’re accessible, but they take a considerable amount of digging. Best practices may be including this documentation in each repository directly. Ah well, at least I can now begin working on my profile’s README.


Read day six here.
Read day eight here.



{ nonsensecodes }

Reading & Writing. Music & Movement. Coffee & Code. Chaotic Great.