daily poem

Philippe Jaggi
nonstop nonsense
Published in
1 min readFeb 17, 2019

el malentendido. misunderstanding.
que conexión. what a connection.
que dolor. what a pain.
se esta desmoronando un mundo. collapsing a world.
verte así. seeing you like this.
going trough the pain with you. pasando a través el dolor contigo.
recibir y aceptar el dolor. pick up and accept the pain.
no necesito explicarme. without the need to explain me.
just sit with it. solo estar sentado con el dolor.
reflexionar juntos. reflect together.
our emotions, our reactions. nuestras emociones, nuestras reacciones.
conocernos mejor. profundo. knowing better each other. profoundly.
salir con cosas positivas. de este malentendido.
come out with positive things. from this misunderstanding.

