without doubt

Philippe Jaggi
nonstop nonsense
Published in
2 min readJan 26, 2019

For the first time in my life I feel doubtless. I have a lot of doubts, daily. But in this case i don’t have, I didn’t have right on fom the beginning. For me never something was so clear, so profound.
The question is why. Why?
That’s simple. Because of Love.
It has hitting me right there, it has put you in my way right there at that point in my life because I was without any expectations, I wasn’t searching for anything, I wasn’t searching for Love.
I had the choice.
The choice to keep walking the same old patterns, the same old stories, the same old ego-based journey that didn’t served me for nothing and never would serve me in anything.
Or to step outside from me, from my mind, from my ego, letting my rational thinking behind me and step into my heart and into my feelings.
Let it happen. Finally.
Like my intention was since long time ago. And now has come the time to proof it, to proof me, if I’m ready to fully follow my heart.
One way, un solo sentido.
I’m beyond grateful for this opportunity and to have chosen this way, finally allowing to let speak my heart.
I feel ready. Ready for ‘macro’ and no longer just for ‘micro’. I am aware that it will not be easy all the time and of course it will be challenging and unknown but I have committed me to long-term changes instead of short-term. Going deep. The full spectrum. Going the beautiful journey together.

