Learn More about Tiananmen Square

Carolyn Smith
Published in
1 min readSep 18, 2018

Welcome back! In celebrating this year’s International Day of Peace, all of us at Nonviolence International-NY have chosen to focus on the importance of youth activism as a driving force for positive change. Explore the sources below to begin learning more about this historic movement propelled by student voices in Beijing, China 1989. Be sure to take a look at yesterday’s post on Apartheid divestment kicking off our countdown to International Day of Peace.

[1] A History of Tiananmen

PBS. Accessed September 18, 2018. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/tankman/cron/.

[2] Powerful Youth Movements

Astor, Maggie. “7 Times in History When Students Turned to Activism.” The New York Times. March 05, 2018. Accessed September 17, 2018. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/05/us/student-protest-movements.html.

[3] Prominent Student Protests (change from yesterday?)

Coleman, Jim. “History Lesson: Ten Student Protests That Made the World Take Notice.” Mypalmbeachpost. March 24, 2018. Accessed September 17, 2018. https://www.mypalmbeachpost.com/news/history-lesson-ten-student-protests-that-made-the-world-take-notice/hOxaZZD5RXnt0CWcoq7KIL/.



Carolyn Smith

Operations Manager at Nonviolence International-NY