Agile Learning is the only way to Learn — A guide for Newbies

An experience-driven methodology that can help you learn fast

Amrit Pal Singh
3 min readFeb 28, 2022


Photo by matthew Feeney on Unsplash

We don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing and falling over

— Richard Branson

It’s true. But as a naive developer, you try to read books one after the other and assume you are learning. It takes us quite some time for a newbie to learn how to learn.

Agility is an important aspect that helps you learn faster. You need to have shorter learning cycles and then experience (coding) cycles.

In this article, we will discuss the agile way in which a new or wannabe developer can learn fast and continuously —

Books and Video tutorials are not the way

Well, let me rephrase it, only reading books and watching videos will not take you there.

Reading books and video tutorials are necessary for an absolute beginner. Once you know the basics of a language and how a program works you need to get your hands dirty.

Writing code every day while taking help from books and videos will sail you through. There is an encyclopedia of knowledge at your fingertips, the web that can help you find solutions on your journey.

Learn by doing

What we learn to do. we learn by doing.

— Thomas Jefferson

This is the only way to learn to program as well. I have seen many beginners who don’t focus on this aspect.

I suggest you program every day for 1–2 hours. There will be days when you might not be able to write a lot of code. But keep pushing yourselves.

The compound effect works here as well. After a few days, you will have a better understanding and will be able to write hundreds of lines of code in a stretch.

Build a project and see it through

Your next step should be to take the “learn by doing” philosophy to the level. Pick up a project and start implementing it.

Be consistent and persuasive. There will be times when you will not achieve much and your inner voice will tell you — “You don’t have to do this”. But don’t give up.

Finishing a project makes you learn more than starting it. Whatever happens, make sure you are consistent and you finish the project.

Learn specific features when you need them

You don’t need to learn each and every feature of a language or the framework to start coding. You learn these features also in an agile manner.

Never assume you are going to know everything before you start coding. Learning as you go is a better way. Don’t stuff yourselves with all the knowledge and jump to use it. Learning and implementing go hand in hand with one another.


Success today requires the agility and drive to constantly rethink, reinvigorate, react and reinvent.

— Bill Gates

Agility is not just the best way to learn but also the best way to software development as well. Learning to program this way will help you understand how agile methodology can be useful in other aspects of life as well.

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Amrit Pal Singh

Cloud Software Engineer | Product Development | I write about Tech and Travel | Profile | Golang Web Dev Course -