Solana 💼 Hello Solana

Phantom ✨ Allbridge ✨ Saber ✨ Raydium

Manusaporn Treerungroj
Noob Learning
6 min readOct 11, 2021


This blog will focus on user-perspective DeFi methods including transferring, swapping, farming and staking on Solana Blockchain. The transactions below are for research purpose only, not financial advice.

Let’s get started!

👛 Phantom wallet

Phantom makes it safe & easy for you to store, send, receive, stake, and swap tokens on the Solana blockchain.

Create a Phantom wallet and don’t forget to save a recovery phrase.

Phantom wallet address: FAehHPoVJ8Zi5pEZyn5xTJEYMSbTxRRcTsWupLM9LtNH

🌉 Allbridge : Transfer BSC.BUSD ⇢ SOL.abBUSD

Easily transfer tokens and coins between various blockchains

Note that the destination address will need some SOL to pay for the transaction on receiving address.

So I’ve sent some SOL to my Phantom wallet via Binance before going next step.

Now I’ll try sending 10 BUSD. 👇

Wait until the confirmation transaction succeeds, then connect to the destination Phantom wallet and receive the money.

Done! 🤑

🗡 Saber : Swap abBUSD ⇢ USDC

The leading cross-chain stablecoin and wrapped assets exchange on Solana.

You may noticed that I’ve got abBUSD from Allbridge, which I can swap abBUSD ⇢ USDC via Saber.

first connect to Phantom wallet

11 abBUSD ⇢ USDC 👇


  • The first time will need SOL to approve swapping abBUSD ⇢ USDC.
  • abUSDC can only swap to Stablecoin.

Let’s try it again. 490 abBUSD ⇢ USDC 👇

🌈 Raydium : Swap, Farms, Staking

An AMM on Solana and leverages the central order book of the Serum DEX.

  • Swap
  • Farms : RAY-USDC LP
  • Farms : RAY-SRM LP
  • Farms : ATLAS-RAY LP (Dual yield)
  • Staking : RAY


Swap 50 USDC ⇢ RAY 👇

Note that the estimated balance changes are calculated by simulation. In this case it can’t simulate, so it shows Transaction may fail to confirm. Wow they know! Yet I still Approve it 😆

Take another stab…

Swap 10 USDC ⇢ ATLAS 👇

It shows Success before the confirmations were finalized! 🤩

Swap 10 USDC ⇢ SRM 👇

Farms : ATLAS-RAY LP (Dual yield)

For the dual yield, notice that the reward are both RAY and ATLAS. Total APR are calculated from all rewards.




👛 Phantom Wallet :
🌉 Allbridge :
🗡 Saber :
🌈 Raydium :



  • I love 2 features of Phantom wallet that let you swap tokens, stake tokens and earn rewards there. How convenience!
  • Sometimes when I approve a transaction, It just silently failed and was not recorded as a transaction. 😣 Even when clicking Approve, It suddenly popup a succeed message with transaction ID. But when I clicked it to check, It says that tx not found…

