Terra ❤ Mirror

Trade | Borrow | Farm

Manusaporn Treerungroj
Noob Learning
5 min readJul 6, 2021



1. Trade

  • Buy (At x% slippage tolerance)
  • Buy (Limit order and cancel order)
  • Sell (At x% slippage tolerance)
  • Sell (Limit order and cancel order)

2. Borrow

  • Borrow (Mint)
  • Edit
  • Close

3. Farm

There are 2 options here:

  • Long: Provide liquidity to receive LP tokens which are staked to earn MIR token rewards.
  • Short: Provide collateral to create short positions and earn MIR token rewards.

3.1. Farm Long

  • Stake (Farm)
  • Unstake

3.2. Farm Short

  • Stake (Farm)
  • Edit
  • Claim
  • Close

Get Started!

Go to mirror.finance and connect to your testnet wallet.

1. Trade — UST ↔︎mAPPL

There are 2 options here: Buy and Sell

Buy (Pay 10 UST to buy mAPPL at 1% Slippage tolerance) 👇

Note: % Slippage tolerance was set at 1% as default. User can choose desired % themselves with suggestions that

<0.5% : Your transaction may fail

>5% : Your transaction may be frontrun

Sell (Sell 0.01 mAPPL to get UST at 1% Slippage tolerance) 👇

Note: % Slippage tolerance was set at 1% as default. User can choose desired % themselves with suggestions that

<0.5% : Your transaction may fail

>5% : Your transaction may be frontrun

