Testnet Terra : Basic Transaction

🌜Luna🌛 | Transfer | Swap | Stake | Withdraw | Undelegate

Manusaporn Treerungroj
Noob Learning
3 min readJun 26, 2021


To start

  1. get Terra Station and connect to your Terra wallet or create a new one.
  2. go to Terra Faucet to request some Luna to your wallet. Note that this Luna will be on Testnet network.
1,000 Luna is ready!

ref: https://docs.terra.money/quickstart

Transfer Luna to other

Clicking Send button will pop up this. You will need to confirm the transaction with password.

I will send 10 Luna to terra14lxhx09fyemu9lw46c9m9jk63cg6u8wdc8pdu4

This transaction will shown in History menu.


Swap Luna for TerraKRW (KRT)

Go to Swap menu.

I will swap 10 Luna for KRT
Clicking a validator will show validator details

Then click Delegate button to stake your Luna with.

I will stake 10 Luna to Terran.one

Staking page will show a summary staking with rewards.

Withdrawing rewards

In the validator details page, you will see Withdraw button.

I will withdraw 0.000063 Luna rewards

Yes I get all of them.

Undelegate Terran.one

In the validator details page, click Undelegate button

I will delegate 1 Luna from Terran.one

