Residents Bin: February ‘22

A monthly roundup of releases from residents of the station from December 2021 through to January 2022.

Noods Editorial
Noods Radio
4 min readFeb 4, 2022


First bin of the year, this time featuring all releases from both December 2021 to January of this year. What a way to start the year off, treats from all across the genre spectrum, heavy breaks informed gear out on Sneaker Social Club, Stay Awake strangeness from Sissy Fuss, another top tier album on Vaagner, amongst many others. Get listening.

Jeph Vanger — Cyclothyma

Resident: inklingroom w/ Emillski
Label: inklingroom

The Athens/London based sound designerc’s first release in the form of this album out on inklingroom. All the heavy rhythms you need to exercise some inner anger as well as the softer, slower parts to caress your soul afterwards. Really beautifully produced in every corner, not one to miss for sure.

Bex — Feels

Resident: Stocks & Shares
Label: Self Released

Stocks & Shares’s Bex here with her first full EP following the single she put put out in titled ‘For Octavia’ in memory of her friend. The EP takes shape as four productions produced over the last few years, from sultry progressive vocal cuts to drawn out percussive pieces with dance-floor intention. Lovely stuff from an up and coming talent, go check the whole thing.

V/A — Ordinary Pleasures

Resident: Misumi Beach Selections
Label: Blaq Numbers

Big V/A compilation from Germany’s Blaq Numbers with all proceeds to be donated to Leipzig’d child hospice. All sorts of stuff across this album from slower soulful cuts, to jazz infused spoken word, to garage movers and straight house fuelled stompers. Enough on this thing to keep you busy, get listening.

Giedrius Kuprevičius — Erotidijos

Resident: chOOn!!
Label: chOOn!!

Latest reissue from chOOn!! in the form of this gentle, charming and all together peaceful album from the Lithuanian native. The sort of stuff to go on a long walk to and really immerse yourself in to. One for fans of Kraftwerk, Brian Eno and early electronica.

Yo No Se — Momento Mori

Resident: Stolen Body Records
Label: Stolen Body Records

What a treat here not something we see often here in the bin. Bristol based hard rock and psych outfit ‘Yo No Se’ with 8 tracks spread across this digital release. Reminiscent of Nirvana — this album satisfies my formative listening habits to no end. Go support a local band doing it right.

Ekin Fil — Feelings

Resident: Vacast
Label: Vaagner

Vaagner’s last release of 2021 went out with a bang — maybe bang is the wrong word, more of a gentle caress. What a caress it is though, really delightful ruminations to end a pretty rubbish year on. As always, go check the label out for some serious ambient and experimental equipment, one of my favourites.

Reducer — Nada Nuevo

Resident: Bokeh Versions
Label: Bokeh Versions

4 tracks from Reducer here in a noise informed sound-style true to early industrial aesthetics. The cassette is a re-issue of a tape they gave away to the first 23 punters through the door at their second gig in 1985. One for fans of early industrial from SPK, the late great Richard H Kirk, Test Dept, amongst all other affiliates.

Sissy Fuss — Raven’s Reprise / Bad Rhythm

Resident: Stay Awake!
Label: Stay Awake!

One from my recent heavy rotation, this album comes from CURL affiliated Sissy Fuss in the depths of London. A truly strange-in-all-the-right-ways kind of thing. Flowing seamlessly, the tracks contort and warp from slower beats to spoken word snippets to digital vocal reworks in something entirely effortless and honest. It’s rare you find an artist imbuing levity into their work in such an earnest way, but this certainly does it. Listen and find out.

Low End Activist — Low End Activism 004

Resident: Sneaker Social Club
Label: Sneaker Social Club

Low End Activist with some heavy breaksy kit to inject into the basement set. UK informed dance music fit to get your face scrunched up for sure. Healthy dose of sombre pads on top though to balance it out. Sneaker Social Club have been nothing if not consistent with the quality of their releases so make sure you don’t miss the 12" while it’s there.

bivouac — Troppo Commodo

Resident: Bliss Archive
Label: Bliss Archive

Featuring appearances from Bristol’s ATC stalwart Franco Franco and Improv’s Greatest Hits honcho Harry ‘Iceman’ Furniss, this project is from the man behind Jackson Veil Panther and is a very familiar face with the Bristol freaks. It takes form somewhere between sweet and savoury, long drawn out drones with a healthy smattering of noise.

Kush Arora x Orogen x Titus 12 — Magma Pulse

Resident: Limbo Tapes
Label: Limbo Tapes

Kush Arora and Orogen come together for this Magma Pulse release out on Limbo Tapes, bringing their own flavour of dub infused ambient tracks with beats to complement. Humid, soft and warm the flavours across this excite the aural palette with a transatlantic exchange via Titus 12 to sit on top. Great stuff from a great label — go get it.

Noods Radio is an independent radio station broadcasting from Bristol’s Stokes Croft. Founded in 2015 and born from Sunday music sessions, the station has grown to become the home of faces from around the globe. Tune in for daily shows from misfits, dancers, collectors, and selectors that make up our community. Tune in with open ears.

