Mobile data is a bastard

Wouldn’t it be great to still have internet data at the end of the month?

Kathryn Crea Roberts
Noosfeer Stories
2 min readMar 23, 2015


Every month I would run out of data. It always happens at a crucial moment. I’d be in the street, lost, late, trying to find the rendez-vous place and it’d be raining.

Out comes the phone, google maps is opened and I’d … HAVE NO DATA.

Still raining, still lost and 100% very late. At least I live in Paris where no one is ever on time so no real problem.

What’s to blame?

More often than not the apps that eat away our data are frequently those that also drain our batteries. Social media sites and newspapers, with all the adverts, are guilty.

Did you know that, on average, we spend 13 weeks per year on digital media?It’s an enjoyable, rewarding and relaxing past time. We shouldn’t have to stop doing something we love because of a stupid phone bill.

I love reading news and articles on the way to work every day. This is my precious moment of the day to learn and stay informed. It kicks my mind into action and I’m then ready to GO when I walk into the office.

How can I stay informed and still have data without paying more?

There are many easy ways to reduce on data usage but these 3 personally make the biggest difference for me:

  1. Simple and effective, although often overlooked, switch to wifi wherever possible. Work, home, favourite coffee shop etc. It’ll help more than you realise.
  2. Turning off my background app refresh. This mainly saves on battery life, I saw the difference immediately.
  3. There are many other tools out there to help. I personally use Noosfeer because I know for a fact it does not drain my data or my battery. Being a bit of a technophobe it suits me incredibly well, it’s simple to use, very quick and even works offline.

Getting lost in the rain is no longer an issue, my morning journey to work is productive and last but not least: no big mobile phone bill at the end of the month.

