Making Newlab safe to work

Alexandre Winter
Norbert Health
Published in
3 min readOct 20, 2020

Newlab is a unique community of over 800 engineers, entrepreneurs, and inventors applying transformative technology to solve the world’s biggest challenges. Members here use and create technologies - robotics, A.I., and material science - to create amazing products and solutions in health, the environment, cities, infrastructure and other things.

Members were in shock when the lockdown in March forced them to move their computers and 3D printers to their home offices. Building hardware is much harder to do from home…

But Newlab never completely shut down — some essential medical devices were being built here. So Newlab became a pioneer in keeping office spaces open in pandemic times.

When Shaun Stewart, CEO at Newlab, and Girelle Guzman, Head of Time and Space, asked us if we could help make the space safe and free of high viral load infections, we jumped on the opportunity to help.

The immediate need was to use Norbet’s contactless health scanners to implement mandatory temperature screening for all members, at the entrance of the building. Temperature screening had to be fast, accurate, comprehensive and private. By the way, pre-order yours now while they last.


Newlab has about 800 members. When 70 people were admitted back into Newlab back in May, since they tend to come a the same time, there were lines… Already. Our device scans people in 1.7s on average. And scans several people at a time. No more lines.


In the early days, an EMT would scan every member with an FDA approved hand held thermometer, along our Norbert device. After 3 weeks we could compare our reads with the FDA grade device. Norbert was within 0.4C. Spot on. And within FDA grade accuracy.


You really can’t miss anyone when you screen temperatures. Everyone has to be tested. Our fully automated device is the only way to guarantee that, while letting the on duty EMT take an occasional break.


Norbert delete all scans after 15 minutes. Every one gets scanned completely privately, as mandated by the State of New York and as wished for by all Newlab members.

Now and Next

Newlab’s occupancy reached 65% — as opposed to an average of 12% in NYC. We take a little bit of credit for that.

We are now looking at the next steps of health in the office with Girelle and Shaun. Self-serve health and wellness scanning stations if you feel sick and want to get triaged — or if you want to check on recent trend of your stress level. Cough analysis. Blood Oxygenation level checks to detect infections earlier…

Stay tuned for more!

Pre-order your Norbert device now while they last :)

And listen to Girelle’s interview with Pat here.

