Stopword module now runs in the browser. Yay!

Espen Klem
Published in
1 min readJul 2, 2019

The “make it run in the browser” issue has been idling for almost two years, but finally we can tell you that you can now remove stopwords on the client side with stopword version 0.3.0.

Check out the live demo =)

Why not just on the server?

You tell us? We see a lot of users adding the stopword module to chatbots among other things, and I’m guessing it would be great to make the client side do the task of removing stopwords before sending it to a server-side chatbot for task analysis.

Later, it will also go well together with the browser version of search-index, removing stopwords before indexing content on the client side.

Also: Stopwords for Indonesian, Afrikaans, Hausa, Lugbara, Somali, Sotho, Yoruba, Zulu and Vietnamese added

The stopword module is slowly growing. Since last time, we’ve added a lot of African languages, thanks to Liam Doherty and his more-stoplists project. Also, vmdao forked the stopword module and added Vietnamese stopwords, generated by Chris Umbel and David Przybilla, and we copied that back to stopword.

Shout out if you need a stopword list in a language not yet added. We’ll generate one or find one that is suitable.



Espen Klem
Editor for

Designing - Creating - Dismantling - Socialising - Nerding. Interaction Designer at Knowit. Tinkering with search when I can.