NordTech: A recap of our frontend meetup in Berlin

Nord Security
Nord Security tech blog
3 min readMar 10, 2023

This February, we beat the winter blues by hosting our first tech meetup of 2023. With a group of over 60 Berlin-based frontend developers, we explored topics like JavaScript optimization, React app security, early-stage localization, and monorepo. Read more about what each speaker brought to the table below:

Optimizing JavaScript for Speed: Essential Tips

with Aleksandras Vasinas

Alex took the audience through core concepts of JS optimization, like memoization, choosing appropriate data structures, and Big O notation. He demonstrated simple techniques for V8 and CPU to mitigate performance hiccups and bottlenecks. Before wrapping up his talk, Alex also discussed the trade-offs between time vs. space in coding and the dangers of over-engineering. Our key takeaway? Cool code doesn’t automatically equal good code. Sometimes keeping it simple is the best course of action.

Watch Alex’s full talk about optimizing JavaScript for speed.

Localization: Not everyone speaks English

with Edgar López Aguilar

In this talk/prize-giving bonanza, Edgar challenged the audience to see internationalization as a team effort rather than simply a business decision. He started by examining the importance of localization and translation in creating a globally accessible product. He then covered the differences between localization and internationalization, and what they mean for developers. Edgar finished up by outlining the pros of implementing these concepts early on, plus some popular internationalization JS libraries, and management systems.He even threw in a neat ChatGPT trick to cap it all off!

Check out Edgar’s talk on localization tips for frontend.

Is your React App safe?

with Varghese Babu

React may be mostly secure by default. But that doesn’t mean vulnerabilities are impossible. In his talk, Varghese detailed some of the common mistakes developers make that lead to increased exposure to Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks. He opened with hyperlink security in React and mechanisms to prevent URL-based script injections. He then discussed the risks of using the dangerouslySetInnerHTML property and how to manage it, if absolutely necessary.

Dive into Varghese’s overview of how real-world React apps get hacked.

From POC to Monorepo

with Stefano Veltri

In his insightful presentation, Stefano shared an account of NordVPN’s journey to monorepo. He first took us through the proof-of-concept stage with Astro.JS and the challenges our team faced when using a new framework that was still in beta release. Stefano then discussed the trade-offs between monorepo and polyrepo and how we navigated this decision. Finally, he shared some of the many benefits of scaling with Turborepo and why it was the best solution for our use case and culture.

Learn more about how Stefano and his team assessed the pros and cons of monorepo.

Join our next meetup

There’s plenty more insights we want to share with the developer community. So be sure to follow Nord Security Berlin — Tech Events on Meetup to stay up-to-date on all our future events.

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