The pain of developing something that no one has done yet!

NordCoin Mining
Published in
3 min readJun 25, 2018

In 2012, when the NordCoin Mining founders started with GPU mining, the financial crisis was still going strong. During this time, finding enough cheap and unused floor space in industrial buildings with more than average energy supply was not an issue. Then, after a few years and after ASIC technology was introduced, the whole situation drastically changed:

  • No space was available with enough amperage
  • The cost of space and energy increased significantly
  • Inherited problems with ASICs: heat and noise

At the same time the number of miners in our farm was steadily increasing. In addition to our own miners, people started to ask us to house and manage their miners as well. All those things combined pushed us to look for a viable, long-term solution to eliminate the problems mentioned above.

NordCoin Mining in the early days

Mobile Mining Container technology

The process of developing the Mobile Mining Container (MMC) technology, which could serve as a self-contained, remote-controlled crypto-mining solution, that can be transported anywhere in the world in pursuit of optimal mining conditions, was not a quick success. While on paper everything looked good, in real life it didn’t work quite as expected. The initial calculations for ventilation and cooling for a 40ft container were good enough to start building one. As soon as it was connected to power and filled with working ASIC miners, it took only 24 hours to have the inside temperature reaching 40°C-50°C while it was almost snowing outside. Back to the drawing board, and even though the new solution was slightly more promising, it still did not work as we wanted it to. It was good enough to house working miners in ambient temperatures below 10°C, but not good enough to have an all-year-around solution. The whole team was on the edge. Everyone was presenting and fiercely protecting their ideas while sometimes criticizing the ideas of other people without merit. Thanks to that we understood that we lacked data to make meaningful design decisions. After we onboarded a couple of specialists and conducted hundreds of hours of testing, we were able to eliminate all of the problems one by one. Fast forward to a few months later, we now have the fourth generation MMC that we are happy with, even though we will continue to pursue perfection and continuously improve our solution. By today we are proud to say that our fourth generation MMC is ready to be operated in environmental conditions with temperatures from -20°C to 35°C.

NordCoin Mining today

You can contact us to house your own miners or purchase our MMCs. You can also purchase and equip your own MMC while housing it with us. For this and more options, please contact us directly via email at

