Rockfaced Future

Ragnheiður Torkilsdóttir
2 min readSep 13, 2015


I mean I see two possible outcomes. It’s part on the nature, in a tiny country, and I honestly don’t believe we will have aliens or spaceships or that stuff, at least not there.

At the rate we’re going now, global warming is an actual worry, a real problem. Shit could go down, the world could end, I don’t know. But if we see it go in two routes, one being that we continue to pollute this earth, making a dystopia, or that we, in fear of global warming and alike, put ourselves together and free the nature, stop throwing away trash and lessen the Co2 production.

Therefore I see this rock may end up gone, maybe they won’t see any building use for it, so they’ll destroy it, flatten it out, so that it can be built on. Maybe take advantage of the leftover material — rocks and dirt, to create new artificial land, so to expand the islands as we know it.

It could also be people just forget about it, and nature in general. Few people live there, and urbanisation is a very active thing, so I wouldn’t be surprised if people moved away form there to the big cities, leaving the place completely untouched.

Now if we take the utopian version, we could say people realize the dangers of pollution, and decide to act on it. We start to love and care for our nature, leave it be, ban pollution and so forth. The air may even remain clean, and not a polluted mess of acidic poison.

If we get technical, we could say it may either be underwater, or further above water, since the islands are actually slowly sinking to one side — something very visible and clear if you visit Suðuroy. Or if global warming happens, that would mean the glaciers, and all the snow on the north and south pole would melt, resulting in the water levels rising, and possibly leaving that entire village underwater.

If we get fun or optimistic maybe people will see the face I saw in that stone, and it will become a tourist attraction, with a name and backstory and all that stuff.

Maybe a sculptor decides to sculpt the rock into something. The rock is big afterall, so it wouldn’t be a bad idea, but of course you probably need a certain type of rock for it to hold together when sculpting, and I do not know if this rock is of that type.

— Me on my own photo.

