Newsletter # 1-2019

Annual alumni and coordination group network meeting november 2018 in Copenhagen :: plans for 2019

Nordisk Baerekraft
4 min readFeb 20, 2019


Dear Nordic Sustainable Education network

In this newsletter we want to share the latest news and decissions within the network.

Overview, main topics:

Alumni meeting in Copenhagen 30. novemnber 2018

The annual network meeting in Copenhagen gathered around the conference Transforming for Sustinability in the FN building in Nordhavn.

We were a small group of networkers. The issue of participation and significance of the network has thus been a main topic in the meeting. The overall agenda for the koordination group in 2018 turned around the question: how to anchor and implement possible future courses and on the same time nurture dialog and dynamics within the alumni network?

Connected to this topic was: how to meet and communicate without having to travel so much? As a result we are going to arrange to webinars for all alumnis in the course of 2019.

Save the dates 2019

Online meetings / webinars:

  • 7th of May at 14 (DK, SE, NO) at 15 in Finland, at 13 (Iceland, Faroe Islands)
  • 10th September same time.

Annual network meeting:

Next year we will meet in Oslo — the European Green Capital of 2019.

Wednesday 9th of October we will arrange the annual alumni nettwork meeting.

The NVL network will contribute to the workshop-part of the conference: Lykken og byen.

Energi, utslipp og velvære? — Happines and the City, Energy, emission and wellbeing? 10th and 11th of October and arranged by SUM/Centre for Development and Environment.

Our workshop we will be ”hands-on”, practically demonstrating transformative learning techniques and practices, including expertise from the alumni network — it will be related to the theme of the conference.

For more information, contact Kirsten Paaby

M: +47 909 74 788

We will ongoing post news on this website and our facebook group.


We succeeded to fund NordPlus preparatory meeting support to formulate a new NordPlus application. Our proposition will be about creating a nordic consortium to ensure a longterm collaborations on a future pracademic masterclass in a three years period.

Here the short summary of the project:

This project aims to develop the framework and model for a Nordic cross-sectoral consortium in order to organise, implement and sustain a Nordic cross-sectoral pracademic masterclass around the 17 global goals. It is based on the partners´ experiences in transformative learning, example pedagogy and change agency through the offering of a Nordic cross-sectoral education in education for sustainable development for adults twice (2014–2016).
We want to examining among other questions:

How to facilitate structures and organisational frameworks that allow longterm implementation and improvement of our course model?

After having established the consortium we secondly are aiming to start up
the first course of a serie for the purpose of accelerating transitions towards sustainability through Nordic cooperation as set out by the Nordic Generation 2030 programme.
Unsustainable systems pose a great challenge to the future welfare of the Nordic region and call for us to respond by learning and transitioning our communities towards sustainable systems. By the exploring the interdependencies between contexts related to the SDG themes and creating new patterns of mutual learning and interactions in society — both the consortium and the series of courses will be a catalyst for the Generation 2030 programme and for real systemic change in Nordic communities.

The members in the future consortium will be professionals from the different educational sectors: in civil society, NGOs, academia, business sector and local authorities. Parallel to that the target groups for upcoming master-classes will be from the same sectors and from across the Nordic Region.

Cross fingers — we will know by 1st of May if we are successful with the Nordplus application.

Share your inputs, comments, inspiration, experiences and ideas for the network on fb, in our LinkedIn group, or as mail to:

All the best from the network coordination team.

Inspiration, links, files and literature:



