‘Green Overview’

Portal and guide to the green Denmark.

Nordisk Baerekraft
2 min readAug 24, 2017


Lars Myrthu-Nielsen


Øko-net / Netværket for økologisk folkeoplysning og praksis


The goal of the portal is to bring together the many sustainable projects, initiatives, events and publications, which take place in Denmark.

The background for Green Overview is Øko-net work for public education and knowledge sharing. By making information about the variety of sustainable initiatives available, we hope to inspire a green and sustainable community change.

The site includes both the green sides — a counterpart to the yellow pages, a calendar and a library.

In GrøntOverblik.dk you will find sustainable projects, events and publications. The portal gives users an overview of what is happening on the green and sustainable area in Denmark.

Vision of local Anchor Persons

When we want to spread the green transition for all of Denmark it is free to seek and share knowledge grøntoverblik.dk. To ensure that the portal will be as comprehensive and useful as possible, we work to find volunteers anchor people from across the country that can feed data on new initiatives into the system.

• The goal is voluntary local anchor person in all municipalities, at least 98 people across Denmark.

Moreover, we have the vision of the portal is supported by:

• 10 new members in all municipalities — including one of the tasks of

• one local business sponsor in each municipality

• one local known ambassador for the project in each municipality

Eco-net (Network for Ecological Education and Practice) has for 24 years worked with knowledge, awareness and Education for Sustainable Development. Eco-network aims to inform, enlighten, inspire and create broad public involvement and dialogue on ecology, environment and sustainable development of society. This is because we believe there is a need to share the many initiatives so that all Danes can find out about the many projects, events and publications that help to make our lifestyle sustainable.

Grønt overblik is a relaunch of our old side Eco-info — the new CMS and with the ambition to build a nationwide network by local anchor persons that feeds data into the portal and build networks up locally.

