Four Years, Six Farmers, and 50,000 NRTs Later, We’ve Taken Our First Steps in Reversing Climate Change

Paul Gambill
Published in
4 min readSep 21, 2021


  • To date, Nori has paid six different farmers a total of $747,730 USD for carbon removal.
  • We’ve recently sold our 50,000th Nori Carbon Removal Tonne (NRT) in our marketplace. As a company, Nori’s mission continues to be reversing climate change. Reaching this milestone brings us one step closer.
  • When carbon removal is purchased, the farmer gets paid. We’re not interested in selling products to farmers — just paying them.
  • Regenerative agriculture is but the first methodology that Nori supports, and carbon farming is the base upon which we will grow.

When my co-founders and I first started Nori, it was with the intention of answering the question, “how do we make climate change just go away?” Four years later, we’ve worked hard to make Nori the most transparent and accessible carbon removal marketplace in existence.

I am proud to announce that as of today, Nori has sold our 50,000th NRT and paid six different farmers a total of $747,730 dollars for carbon removal.

There are two main reasons why Nori has reached this significant milestone:

  1. our values-driven approach to interactions with stakeholders, and
  2. Our marketplace experience.

How did we get here?

Nori is a farmer-forward company. As an open marketplace, we’re focused on keeping our process simple. When a buyer purchases carbon removal via Nori, a farmer gets paid. (In that order.) I will also point out that during our pilot phase, farmers set the price of their NRTs, and they received 100% of that price for their carbon removals.

A simplified view of how Nori works. Get more details.

One thing Nori is not, is an agricultural company. We’re not interested in selling products to farmers, and we never want to hold farmers back with bureaucratic red tape. And in the future, we’ll be selling carbon removed by more than just farming practices.

We believe the easier the enrollment process is, the more suppliers will participate in our marketplace. More participation means more sequestered carbon. More sequestered carbon brings us closer to our ultimate goal of restoring the atmosphere to 300ppm and reversing climate change.

Nori’s marketplace experience


We value the experiences and feedback of farmers in our marketplace. Whether it is the operational logistics of buying and selling credits in our marketplace:

“With the development of Nori’s carbon program and verification process, our certification and data validation has been streamlined for our carbon credit buyers.”

Kyle Mehmen, MBS Family Farms

Or working to foster a relationship between buyers and farmers that results in tangible impact:

“On the ground, your purchase of carbon credits is a tangible investment that provides my team at Harborview with the tools and technology we need to maintain the way we farm. The extra budget might buy extra seeds for a new, pollinator-friendly cover crop mix, plating attachments or other innovative equipment. . . . Thanks to our Nori supporters, we’ve been able to show other farmers that carbon smart farming — with the incentive of carbon credits — can be good for your bottom line AND the environment.”

Trey Hill, Harborview Farms

Hear from our other farmers who’ve sold their carbon credits: Adam + Levi Ullrich, Kelly Garrett, Bruce Johnson and John Nergenah.


Nori was designed to be an alternative to existing markets after careful observations and direct experiences with legacy carbon offsetting schemes.

Buyers play a major part in providing necessary rewards to early adopters of regenerative farming. Reaching soil sequestration’s maximum potential means we must scale regenerative farming operations. The best way to make changes in farming communities is to show that something works. Buyers in Nori’s marketplace are investing in the opportunity of regenerative practices becoming the norm.

“Nori plays a key role in enabling OnePak to offer our customers carbon-neutral logistics through our Emissions Management Program. We chose to partner with Nori because of the value of verifiable carbon removal offsets documented on blockchain.”
OnePak, a Nori partner

Everyone has access to be a buyer in our marketplace. Nori has taken an innovative product-focused approach that enables individual consumers at home and Fortune 500 companies to fund carbon removal projects.


At Nori, we endeavor to continuously improve across all aspects of our business. As a company, we cannot grow without soliciting feedback, learning, and challenging our assumptions.

While building and running a carbon removal marketplace is never a straightforward process, we’ve learned from every one of our farmers. Using this feedback, we’ve worked to continuously refine Nori’s marketplace. Our hope is that the end result is that you, the consumer, can fully trust that purchasing NRTs will directly support farmers in sequestering more carbon in their soil.

At the end of the day, I’m proud to say that Nori has successfully paid six farmers a total of $747,730 USD for carbon removal so far. We couldn’t have done it without the amazing community behind us, supporting us.

Help support farmers by purchasing their NRTs. Or, become one of our farmers and get paid!



Paul Gambill
Editor for

I’m into blockchains, decentralizing, and reversing climate change. CEO of @paulgambill