Stop worrying about flight shame, and just remove the CO2 you emit

Paul Gambill
Published in
2 min readDec 22, 2019

Flygskam is an invented Swedish word for “flight shame.” There’s some evidence that Europeans especially are flying less because of guilt over putting CO2 in the air. Flying less is a fine thing to do. In general, the world needs to emit less.

But we can also remove our emissions after we’ve put them up in the air.

Carbon emissions should be treated the same way society treats garbage. We pay for collecting and storing our trash responsibly so that it doesn’t linger in our communities or end up in places it shouldn’t.

We’ve never had the ability to do this with CO2 at scale before. Sure you can plant a tree or two, but how can you be sure that tree doesn’t burn or die early and re-release that carbon back in the air?

Nori has solved this problem. We work with farmers who are farming in a way that actually removes CO2 from the air, and our marketplace insures that they keep the carbon in the ground.

So as you travel to see friends and family this holiday season, you now have the option of flying guilt-free. An average cross-country flight emits about 1 tonne of CO2 per passenger. If you’re flying from New York to Los Angeles, you can remove your carbon from a one way flight for less than $17. Nori guarantees that that carbon will stay out of the air.

And at the same time, you’re providing needed financing for farmers who want to manage their lands more sustainably. It’s a total win-win.

Forget flight shame—just remove your emissions at

More info on how we verify removed CO2 and insure it stays out of the air can be found at



Paul Gambill
Editor for

I’m into blockchains, decentralizing, and reversing climate change. CEO of @paulgambill