Elkling enjoying HackSocial

Why Every Company Needs a Hacksocial

Norigin Media
Norigin Media Tech Blog
3 min readFeb 16, 2018


Today is our Hacksocial, which is an event that Norigin Media hosts once a year. We are a Software development company and this is a chance for employees to come together and socially hack their ideas into existence. It also serves as a nice team building day with a casual atmosphere, pizza, beer and great proposals turning into reality.

How Does It Work?

The first phase is gathering ideas. Anyone can offer as many suggestions as they can think of. It is preferable if these ideas can be beneficial for the company in some way, but if you are really passionate about something and make a great pitch, there is a chance your idea would be voted for. We usually have our Hacksocial on a Friday. So the previous day, on Thursday afternoon we gather in a big conference room, go together through all the suggestions and we vote for the best ones. Each person whose idea was approved then explains what kind of team (s)he needs, what roles are required and we split into teams. The next morning we start working on our projects, try to make some magic happen and reach a (sort of) working demo till the end of the day.

Why Is It Good For Employees?

Even the best, funniest, greatest, most exhilarating job ever can become mundane at some point. Fighting with developers over “Cannot reproduce bugs” will become dull at some point. Arguing with your project manager about Toggling your time is doomed to stop being entertaining eventually. So a HackSocial is a great way to apply creativity and skills into something positive. Working on our own idea makes such a huge difference. I have never seen my colleagues finish their lunches as fast as today. Usually we take our sweet time at the canteen, mostly chatting than eating but today was different. Today everyone channeled their inner vacuum cleaner and hoovered the food down as fast as possible, because we couldn’t wait to get back to work! And if you manage to achieve that kind of dedication, you are doing something right!

Hacksocial is also an awesome opportunity for people to change or improve something that they do not like about their working processes. Let’s say writing down your hours and tasks really grinds your gears. The event is the perfect platform for you to design a better alternative. You can never find the information you need, why not invent a bot to help you find things? Management wants to start a blog, but you think they will probably make it boring, so here is your chance to take over the idea and apply your colorful vision. You know how people say the sky is the limit? A HackSocial is the rocket you need to reach and even surpass it!

Why Is It Good For the Company

Besides the fact that HackSocial is a very fun event for the employees, creating a unique spirit of togetherness, it is also beneficial for the Company. The event enthusiastically stirs everyone’s creative juices and as a result some really awesome ideas pop up. Two years ago we created a way to watch our streaming application in a virtual desert stadium with Samsung VR Gear. I left my QA cocoon behind and transformed into a Unity virtual reality creator butterfly and that was a euphoric experience! This year I am ditching testing once again so that I can indulge my inner designer and writer alter egos. From my experience I see that when you empower people with full support and freedom, they end up making great innovations, and every company should aspire to acquire more of that. And even if none of the projects end up being useful for the company, just having motivated and excited employees will never be a waste of time.

I love HackSocial! It is one of my favorite company events. I love watching developers with a psycho spark in their eyes coding their way to greatness. Creating something from nothing only with a vision in their mind. I like having the feeling that I am in charge and I am the one who make things happen. I don’t just follow tasks all day, I create and pursue my own ones and I can tell that my colleagues feel the same. And that is the best working atmosphere you can get!

by Boryana Yaneva, QA Engineer, Norigin Media

