Implementing a supervisory software framework for your building portfolio is much simpler with Normal Framework and puts owners in control of their apps and data.

Embracing Simplicity and Ownership with Normal Framework

Matt Kaufman
Normal Software


A New Approach to Software Solutions

At Normal Software, we’re excited to introduce a unique approach to software solutions with our Normal Framework (NF). Unlike nearly every other offering on the market, NF isn’t a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). We’ve taken a different path to offer more control and ownership over your software and data.

Breaking Away from Traditional Pricing Models

While software has advanced significantly over the past decades, we believe that traditional pricing models haven’t kept pace. Many products lock you into long-term deals and, in some cases, take ownership of your data (always check the fine print!). This model benefits the sellers but often leaves buyers at a disadvantage.

A Simpler, More Normal Business Model

At Normal Software, we strive to bring things back to a simpler, more straightforward business model. It's yours to own when you purchase a copy of Normal Framework. No subscriptions, no recurring fees, and no hidden clauses.

Here’s what you get with Normal Framework:

  • One Payment: A single, upfront payment with no ongoing costs.
  • Data Ownership: You retain full ownership and control over your data.
  • Product Ownership: The software is yours to use and manage as you see fit.
  • No Jokes (Unless You Want One!): We’re serious about our commitment to simplicity and transparency.

Why Choose Normal Framework?

Our approach ensures that you have complete control over your software and data without being tied to restrictive contracts or hidden fees. It’s a win for you, giving you the freedom and flexibility to use NF to best suit your needs.

Join Us in Embracing a New Norm

Our approach offers a better way forward for software solutions. If you’re ready to experience the benefits of ownership and simplicity, Normal Framework is here for you. We’re confident that our model will be a win for you, just as it is for us.

Discover the benefits of a simpler, more transparent software solution with Normal Framework. Join us in embracing a new norm and take control of your software and data today.



Matt Kaufman
Normal Software

Smart building and data professional. Writes about Normal and the latest in smart building tech and trends.