Transforming IoT Data Utilization: Our Strategic Partnership with Losant

Matt Kaufman
Normal Software


At Normal Software, we are thrilled to announce our dynamic and transformative partnership with Losant, a pioneer in Industrial IoT platforms. This collaboration is set to revolutionize how we harness IoT data and integrations, driving innovation and efficiency to new heights.

Key Areas of Collaboration

Our partnership with Losant is built on a foundation of mutual expertise and a shared vision for the future of IoT. Our collaboration focuses on two critical areas:

  1. Seamless Data Integration and Advanced Analysis

By integrating our data and equipment models with Losant’s powerful platform, we enable comprehensive dashboarding and advanced analysis capabilities by integrating our data and equipment models with Losant’s powerful platform. This seamless integration streamlines our data processes and enhances our ability to derive actionable insights. With Losant, we can visualize complex data in intuitive dashboards, facilitating better decision-making and strategic planning.

2. Rapid Prototyping and Deployment of Innovative Applications

Leveraging Losant’s enterprise-grade managed low-code platform, we are equipped to prototype and deploy both internal and customer-facing applications rapidly. This agility allows us to respond swiftly to market demands and technological advancements, ensuring that we remain at the cutting edge of the IoT industry. The ability to quickly develop and scale applications is a game-changer, enabling us to deliver tailored solutions that meet the unique needs of our clients.

Strategic Benefits and Future Prospects

The synergy between Normal Software and Losant brings several strategic benefits:

  • Enhanced Innovation: Our partnership fosters a culture of innovation, enabling us to explore new frontiers in IoT technology. With Losant’s robust platform, we can experiment with new ideas, iterate rapidly, and bring innovative solutions to market faster than ever.
  • Scalable Solutions: The low-code nature of Losant’s platform allows for the development of scalable applications that can grow alongside our clients’ needs. This scalability ensures our solutions remain relevant and effective in a rapidly evolving technological landscape.
  • Increased Efficiency: By streamlining data integration and application development processes, we can allocate resources more efficiently and focus on delivering value to our clients. This efficiency translates into cost savings and improved project timelines.

Looking Ahead

As we embark on this exciting journey with Losant, we are committed to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the IoT space. Our partnership is not just about leveraging existing technologies but also about co-creating the future of IoT. We aim to set new standards in data utilization, application development, and overall technological innovation.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to revolutionize the IoT landscape. The future is bright, and with Losant by our side, we are poised to lead the charge into a new era of connected intelligent solutions.

Thank you for following our journey. Together, we are shaping the future of IoT!



Matt Kaufman
Normal Software
Editor for

Smart building and data professional. Writes about Normal and the latest in smart building tech and trends.