7 Reasons to Vote in the North Carolina Primary

North Carolina Democrats
North Carolina
Published in
3 min readMay 2, 2018

Guess what, North Carolina? There’s an election happening right now — so go vote!

If you catch yourself wondering why you should vote, don’t worry. We’ve got you covered. Here are 7 reasons why you should vote in the North Carolina primary:

1. Voting matters. It’s important to show up for every single election. Your elected officials make decisions that impact your everyday life — like what jobs are created in your area, when your roads get fixed, how much teachers get paid, and if your family have access to clean drinking water and quality affordable health care. Don’t pass up your chance to vote for candidates that have your community’s best interest at heart.

2. Your vote is your voice. Use it. We can’t become silent about the things that matter. Voting is your opportunity to make your voice heard about what’s important to you. Casting your ballot gives you the power to bring change and not voting is accepting the status quo.

3. People died for you to have the right to vote. We can’t forget all the people who fought and sacrificed for us to have the right to vote in North Carolina — and across the country. Honor them by voting every election.

4. People still risk their lives for the right to vote. We are very lucky to live in a free democracy — so vote because you are reminded of those who can’t and wish they could.

5. Want to be seen? Show up! From the local level to the federal level, our government should be representative of all the people it serves. High turn-out makes sure that happens.

6. You get to choose who represents our Party. The primary election will determine our values as a community and help us elect leaders who will fight for those values. Hundreds of North Carolina Democrats are running for office to represent you locally, break the GOP majority in the General Assembly, and hold Donald Trump accountable in Congress. Now, it’s your turn to do your part and elect the candidates who will be on your ballot in November.

7. Voting makes you feel good afterwards. It feels good knowing you’ve made a difference by doing your civic duty. You’ll leave the polls satisfied and excited for November!

You can vote early for the May 8th primary now through May 5th. So skip the Election Day lines and cast your ballot for Democrats today!



North Carolina Democrats
North Carolina

The official Medium account of the North Carolina Democratic Party. www.ncdp.org — Follow us on Twitter & Facebook: @NCDemParty