North So Far: Two Years, Twenty Events, Two Hundred Members

Gabi Dobocan
North Code
Published in
3 min readApr 6, 2022

Join us in celebrating two years of North — the Invite-Only Coder Club for bright minds focused on continuous learning and personal development!

It’s been two years since we launched North. We’re excited to see our community steadily grow and become better with each new member we onboard.

If you follow us, you know we work hard to expand the range of perks and activities we provide to our members. We’ve now hosted, in total, twenty events dedicated to our members, including:

  • All-hands sessions with great speakers, like Mallika Rao, Ron Litchy, and Robert Martin;
  • Group training sessions with North seniors on several career-advancement topics;
  • Private, on-demand AMAs with superstar engineers from member-selected companies.

You can watch more clips like the one below on North’s Youtube channel.

Over the past two years, we’ve had almost 3000 candidates applying for North membership from all across the world!

Want to join too? It takes just 30m to apply. Head to

We’re proud to have accepted our first 200 North members! Here’s a visualization of all the represented countries. Thank you to everyone; we couldn’t be more proud of you!

Data is beautiful, right? We think so too! We love sharing visualizations of what our current admission pipeline looks like; have a look at the Sankey chart below. The key takeaways are:

  • Less than 10% of candidates are accepted and become members;
  • Only 1% of candidates eventually reach the “Star” rank.

Here’s our story again, in numbers:

  • We’ve processed a total number of 2859 applications from 86 countries.
  • We’ve met and talked to 278 tech-minded people: from students just starting out their careers all the way up to seasoned developers, consultants, and CTOs.
  • We’ve now vetted and onboarded 200 awesome, inspiring members from 35 countries.

The thing that North members appreciate most is meeting and interacting with a global community of like-minded humans. That’s such a big part of why we started North in the first place. The second most appreciated membership perk is getting access to better international job opportunities. We’ve already helped dozens of members find great remote work worldwide with some of the hottest startups.

Here’s a breakdown of all the benefits North members love most:

When signing up, most candidates are looking to grow professionally and unlock better career opportunities by tapping into our network of peers and our library of best practices. Also, many candidates are looking for a better job, and some just want to feel they belong to a community that can support and understand them.

Want to join? It only takes 30 minutes to apply! Get started by creating an account at and completing four simple challenges. We’re looking forward to meeting you!

Telepat North is an exclusive club for extraordinary coders. Members get access to an outstanding community, free books, mentorship, courses, talks, events, learning resources, swag, and remote work opportunities! If you’re interested, you can learn more by visiting

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Gabi Dobocan
North Code

Coder, Founder, Builder. Angelpad & Techstars Alumnus. Forbes 30 Under 30.