Upcoming Book Reviews

Jackson Boon
North of The Line
Published in
1 min readAug 16, 2018

Upcoming Book Reviews

Here’s a tentative list of the books that I intend to review at some point. I hope that these rather heavy pieces of literature don’t drive me mad, into a state of depression, or into the arms of the neo-reactionary movement.

I also hope to fill my personal library with more leftist, neo-reactionary and anarchist texts in the future. I seek to own more politically extreme texts, all in the pursuit of testing my tolerance to ideas that I utterly despise. If I wish to know my enemy, I must know more than them.

Books that I own

  • The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam (Douglas Murray. 2017)- This will probably be reviewed first.
  • Democracy: The God that Failed (Hans-Hermann Hoppe. 2001)- I’ll have to re-read this one. I’ll also have a lot to say about both Hoppe and Anarcho-Capitalism.
  • Atlas Shrugged (Ayn Rand. 1957)
  • Death of the West (Pat Buchanan. 2002)

Books that I don’t own

  • The Bell Curve (Charles Murray. 1994)
  • Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies (Jared Diamond. 1997)
  • Rules for Radicals (Saul Alinsky. 1971)
  • Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook (Mark Bray. 2017)
  • Capitalism and Freedom (Milton Friedman. 1962)
  • The Abolition of Britain (Peter Hitchens. 1999)
  • Ride the Tiger (Julius Evola. 1961)
  • Revolt Against the Modern World (Julius Evola. 1934)
  • Guerrilla Warfare (Che Guevara. 1961)
  • Bitter Harvest: The Great Betrayal (Ian Smith. 2001)
  • The Conquest of Bread (Peter Kropotkin. 1892)
  • Homage to Catalonia (George Orwell. 1938)



Jackson Boon
North of The Line

Australian writer/cartographer/meme lord. Pro-Freedom, Markets and Memes. I can be found on the Twatter under @Real_J_Boon.