Why we started North Pine Ventures

Some background on North Pine Ventures and why we’re doing this

North Pine Ventures
North Pine Ventures Blog



Last night our team officially launched North Pine Ventures and all we can say is: WOW! Honestly, we never expected people to pay attention so quickly. We’re so grateful for all the likes, shares, tweets and emails.

We’ve been receiving tons of questions since launch, so we wanted to take this time to answer them (and launch the North Pine blog!).

What’s North Pine Ventures?

North Pine Ventures is a team of five young professionals who are passionate about the Canadian startup community. We want to partner with startups and help them reach their goals. Specifically, we want to assist startups with business strategy and professional services so that they can start their business on a solid foundation.

We are looking to give startups an unfair advantage when it comes to obtaining professional services and grow their company to the next level.

Why are you doing this?

From our experience speaking with a number of startup founders, we’ve realized there’s a gap between startups and business consulting services.

Traditional professional services are too expensive for young startups and most do not have the time or resources to focus on sorting out the boring, but important stuff like budgeting, forecasting and tax planning. Our team wants to use our collective experience and expertise to close this gap.

What’s in it for you?

A lot of people want to know: what’s in it for us? Why dedicate the little time we have outside of our full-time jobs to help Canadian startups?

First and foremost, we’re genuinely excited about the Canadian startup landscape. A lot of us were part of the startup community in Waterloo and we want to continue to be involved beyond our time in school.

We see North Pine as a great vehicle to build our skills and network outside of an office environment. Since we’re getting the chance to develop our skill set, we see working together with startups as mutually beneficial.

We think it’s going to be a fun ride!

How many startups can you help?

We realize that every startup’s needs will be different — some will require 1 hour a week, while others will require 4-5 hours a week.

To maintain the quality of the services we provide, we’re going to start with 3 or 4 startups that we think we can impact the most with our services.

We’re not perfect, but we are passionate and dedicated to providing the best services to the startups we work with. As we grow and learn, we’ll figure out how we can help more and more startups! That being said, we’re always available to talk about your ideas!

What now?

We want to talk to you! We want to learn more about your startup, your story, the challenges you’re facing and how we may be able to help you. We’re all ears — let’s meet up over a coffee or pint. We want to hear your story!

Fire us an email to team@northpine.co and tell us a little bit about yourself, what you’re working on, how its going so far, and what you think North Pine can help with. We’ll respond as soon as we can!

Thanks for reading this and for all the support so far — we’re excited for what’s ahead!

—The North Pine Team

North Pine Ventures is a team of five young professionals that are passionate about the Canadian startup community. North Pine wants to provide your startup with free managerial and financial expertise. We want to partner with your team to help it meet its short-term and long-term goals. Check us out at: www.northpine.co!



North Pine Ventures
North Pine Ventures Blog

North Pine wants to provide your startup with free managerial and financial expertise. Want to know more? Let's grab a coffee or a pint!