Arek Stryjski
North Voyage
Published in
1 min readOct 27, 2016


Opportunities for personal adventure still exist for those who really want to take them. But it is necessary to want such an adventure, perhaps to the exclusion of all else.

Willy de Roos, North-West Passage 1977


My name is Arek. Originally this space was dedicated to my sailing trips in the Arctic. However this summer (2017) I found something new and exciting in my life — I discovered VR and 360 videos. I believe it will play the big role in my (and hopefully also others) life in the coming years, so I would like to change character of this publication.

To reflect it I changed its name to 360 North, as it expresses better my passion for both High Latitudes and 360 immersive videos.
Hopefully, soon you will find here a lot of 360 movies made in the Arctic. Till then it will be more about my voyage or journey in VR and 360 video world.

There are only 90° North and after passing it you start moving away from the North Pole, so 360° North could be really anywhere in the world.

I hope you will enjoy this voyage!



Arek Stryjski
North Voyage

Sailor and skipper. Believing true adventures are still possible.