8 JavaScript Experts you Must Follow on Twitter

Ruth Dillon-Mansfield
Published in
4 min readAug 3, 2017

Used right, Twitter is a fabulous way to get all the latest developer wisdom delivered straight to you.

Whilst a short list of 8 doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface, these JavaScript heavyweights are must-follows.

Brendan Eich

Brendan Eich


On Medium: BrendanEich

Why should I follow this person?

He created JavaScript. If somehow having written JavaScript itself is not reason enough, he’s also the co-founder and former CTO of Mozilla. Trivia: did you know Brendan Eich put JavaScript together in just 10 days?

Eric Elliott

Eric Elliott


On Medium: Eric Elliott

Why should I follow this person?

Eric describes himself a ‘compassionate entrepreneur on a mission to end homelessness’. He is campaigning to end poverty with code. He’s incredibly knowledgeable about all things Javascript, and we treat his word as law here at Northcoders!

John Resig

John Resig


On Medium: John Resig

Why should I follow this person?

Heard of jQuery? We bet you have! John Resig is the man behind it — the creator of the most popular Javascript library in the world. He’s committed to making learning to code accessible to all, and is an Engineer at Khan Academy.

Lea Verou


On Medium: Lea Verou

Why should I follow this person?

Professional front-end web developer Lea Verou is the author of the superb CSS Secrets Book. We highly recommend it! She’s also one of only seven W3C CSS Working Group Invited Experts. She posts interesting, informative Tweets on best practices, design, UX and code.

Axel Rauschmayer

Axel Rauschmayer


On Medium: Axel Rauschmayer

Why should I follow this person?

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer has worked extensively with JavaScript, and has authored Speaking Javascript and Exploring ES6. He also blogs thoughtfully on fascinating topics mostly around Javascript at 2ality.com. You don’t want to miss his top-notch content!

Dan Abramov

Dan Abramov


On Medium: Dan Abramov

Why should I follow this person?

Dan Abramov is a React hero. If you know React, you’ve probably heard of Redux. Dan Abramov came up with Redux whilst writing some code to show at a React Europe demo. He’s also behind Create React App, React Hot Loader and React DnD. We think all of that speaks for itself!

Joseph Zimmerman


On Medium: Joe Zim’s JavaScript Corner

Why should I follow this person?

Joseph Zimmerman is a veteran JavaScript developer who has been coding since he was 12. His specialism is with front-end languages. By following him, you’ll get all his latest wisdom and easy links to learning about best practice at his utterly fantastic blog.

Kent C. Dodds


On Medium: Kent C. Dodds

Why should I follow this person?

Elite JavaScripter Kent C. Dodds is a developer at Paypal. He lives to make software development accessible to as many people as possible. We like his laid back yet awesome content!

I’m confident you’ll enjoy following these fantastic people, and learn lots in doing so!

Who else can’t be missed? Let me know @RuthYMNg! (And maybe follow me?)

Ruth is a full-stack JavaScript developer, and leads growth at Northcoders, the Coding Bootcamp for the North of England



Ruth Dillon-Mansfield

I write about tech, philosophy, science and more. You can read my full, somewhat eclectic blog at www.ruth-dm.co.uk.