What I Sacrificed To Chase My Dream

Day 2 of a 10-day intuitive writing challenge

Thea Elise
Tales of a nomad


Author and her furry friend (image by author)

Today I noticed my heart aches for lost fur.

I miss snuggling my face in yours. I miss you licking me in the face, looking at me with innocent eyes.

There are many dogs here, but they are not you. They are rough, with cracked fur. Not soft and curly like yours.

You would not have thrived here. I am so sure our decision to give you a better home is the best one. It’s the most difficult decision we ever made, but it was made out of pure love.

Love for you and love for ourselves.

To know you are running around in the forest, unleashed, jumping up and down like a rabbit, rolling in the stiff heather to scratch your back. It helps a bit. It takes some of the aches away.

The ache would still be there if you were still with us.

We ached for something different. You wanted a simple life, you needed it to survive. Now you are thriving.

I am so happy for you, but some days my heart just wants to snuggle up to you.

Thank you for being our loyal friend and companion for five years. Thank you for the love, but also the stubbornness you showed us.



Thea Elise
Tales of a nomad

Digital nomad from Norway on a personal quest for happiness and a sustainable lifestyle. Current location: Norway