A Happy nOS Year! Three…

As we prepare to enter the next decade, we’re going to share what we’ve been working on, every day until 2020.

Dean van Dugteren
nOS - Decentralized Curation Platform
2 min readDec 29, 2019


The team has been hard at work to finish new critical features, which we’re sharing today, tomorrow, and the day after. And now we’re ready to share!

Without further ado, let’s start the countdown to the new year… Three!

nOS Blockchain Wallet

The development of the web wallet for the nOS blockchain has been completed.

The wallet is designed specifically so that anyone is able to send and receive NOS, create and redeem stakes, and vote for delegates with ease.

Web Wallet Overview

Whether you’re a crypto veteran or a total beginner, you’ll be able to utilize your NOS to the fullest!

Day 1 available features:

  • Log-in and registration powered by mnemonic keys.
  • Create Stake panel allowing you to easily stake NOS and gain increased vote weight on the network.
  • Manage Stake panel letting you review and redeem your stakes.
  • Delegate browsing and voting.
  • Delegate Registration for those who wish to become a delegate, forge blocks and collect block rewards and fees.

Staking and voting on a Proof of Stake blockchain has never been this easy!

Stake Creation
Delegate Voting

Blockchain Development Tutorial

Want to build a blockchain app of your own?

nOS founder Dean van Dugteren worked with the ARK team to publish a free blockchain development video, to teach you how to build your own blockchain apps and publish them to the nOS App Store:

Tomorrow we’ll announce another new product that we’ll be releasing with the public testnet. Stay tuned!

Interested in becoming a delegate and earn block rewards and transaction fees? Read the Delegate Tutorial here.

