Announcing the nOSNet: Live Testnet for nOS dApps

dApps can now be deployed on the public nOSNet & Domain Management Application


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Decentralized applications powered by NEO Smart Contracts can now be published and discovered on nOSNet, a NEO Testnet with special features powered by nOS.

The nOSNet Update introduces exciting new features:

Domain Management

dApps can apply for a nos:// domain name and nOSNet GAS using our Client.

nOS Domain Submission App

Public dApps

Approved dApps are automatically activated in the Name Service Smart Contract. After activation, the dApps become publicly accessible.
For users: Simply enter the dApp domain in the nOS Client (i.e. nos://nos.neo), and you’ll be able to use it!

Developers looking for access to the nOS pre-TGE by building a dApp will have to publish their dApp by applying for a domain (instructions below).

Want to talk dApp Development? Join us on Discord where we have an active community of developers, including the core team!

Submit your dApp

dApp running on the upcoming revamped nOS Client

If you’re a developer, here’s how to submit your dApp for nOSNet:

  1. Pull the latest nOS Client by following the instructions on GitHub.
  2. Check out the API documentation to build your dApp.
  3. Build your project (the version with the index.html file).
    If using a javascript framework (i.e. React or Angular2), this is usually done with i.e. Yarn or NPM (yarn build or npm build).
  4. Deploy the contents of your production folder to a new GitHub Repository. Make sure your dApp’s index.html file resides in the repository’s root folder.
  5. Go to your repository’s Settings, and enable GitHub Pages for the master branch. Click Save and scroll back to the GitHub Pages option. You’ll see a box that says “Your site is ready to be published at [URL]”. Copy that URL.
  6. Start the client (yarn install && yarn start), log in with your NEO account, and click ‘Submit dApp’ in
  7. Under Domain Name: enter your desired domain (without extension) i.e. my-dapp
  8. Under dApp Github URL, paste the GitHub Pages URL you received from your repository’s Settings.
  9. Enter a Short Description of your dApp for review.

You will receive an e-mail notification if your dApp is approved. You will also receive 500 GAS for deploying your dApp Smart Contract to nOSNet.

Additionally, your dApp immediately will be publicly available on the nos:// protocol at your desired domain name!

Deploy your Smart Contract

Once your dApp is approved and you received 500 GAS, you can deploy your Smart Contract to the nOSNet. Here’s how:

neo-python commands

Install neo-python on your local machine by following the instructions in the GitHub repository, then follow these instructions:

# Start neo-python
$ np-prompt -p -v
# Create wallet file
neo> create wallet {path}
# Replace the generated address with your GAS-holding nOS account
neo> import nep2 {encrypted key to nOS account}
neo> wallet delete_addr {wallet address generated by "create wallet"}# Compile your smart contract
neo> build {path/to/}
# Deploy smart contract
neo> import contract {path/to/contract.avm} {input types} {output type} {storage?} {dynamic invoke?}

Now that your smart contract is deployed, your dApp will be fully functional for end-users and other developers!

This update provides new value to both developers and users, and plays an essential part in the first steps towards an era of dApp development and adoption.

Thank you for creating with nOS!

