Happy nOS Year Countdown: Two!…

Another day, another release! Check out the brand new nOS Block Explorer, and the various feature upgrades of nOS Network.

Dean van Dugteren
nOS - Decentralized Curation Platform
2 min readDec 30, 2019


Yesterday we shared our nOS blockchain wallet, which introduces simple, beginner-friendly management of funds, staking, and voting on nOS Network.

Today, we’re sharing another brand new product: the brand-new nOS Block Explorer!

We’re also sharing a new overview of the modules that we completed for the nOS Network blockchain.

On to the 2020 countdown: Two!…

nOS Block Explorer

nOS founder Dean spent his Christmas days working on a brand new block explorer, built from the ground up.

It contains the following features:

  • Real-time stream of new transactions and blocks entering the blockchain.
  • Overview of wallet details and stakes.
  • Minimalistic, responsive beginner-friendly experience.
  • Dashboard with real-time network and coin data.

Both the web wallet and block explorer are built with the latest web technologies and offer a smooth, modern, and highly responsive user experience.

Blockchain Progress

All core blockchain features have been upgraded successfully from ARK Core version 2.5 to 2.6 and have been further abstracted to support a smooth future transition to ARK Core 3.0 when it’s released.

The following blockchain modules have been completed:

  1. DPOS IPFS File Distribution & Hosting
  2. Staking for increased vote weight
  3. Scaled fee removal from block rewards
  4. Top delegate rewards
  5. Decentralized delegate descriptions
  6. Simple node launcher & manager application
  7. Adaptive supply & stake statistic tracking


  • Setting IPFS-powered delegate descriptions within the web wallet
  • Curator toolkit for delegates
  • App store front-end
  • Abstracting the curation system to allow for multiple category curation (e.g. videos, articles, and Reddit-like posts). This will allow the network to provide decentralized curated database services of any category.

We’re now preparing for launch of the public testnet! After the public testnet is released, we’ll be observing network performance and security, fix any bugs and issues that may come up, and proceed towards a smooth mainnet launch.

Interested in becoming a delegate and start earning block rewards and transaction fees? Read the Delegate Tutorial here.

