Introducing nOS.Chat — nOS Discussion Board powered by nOS ID

An official forum for the nOS community, built on nOS.

Dean van Dugteren
nOS - Decentralized Curation Platform
2 min readJul 31, 2019


With the launch of our new whitepaper and upcoming ARK Core-based public blockchain that features delegates (blockchain forging nodes), curators (nOS App Store maintainers), apps, staking, and more, we decided to launch a new nOS-powered community forum!

Introducing nOS.Chat

nOS.Chat is a discussion board for nOS users, apps, developers, delegates, and curators.

You’ll need an nOS ID account to login to the forum (see instructions below).

Some relevant topics are:

  • Threads for nOS applications
  • Delegate announcement threads
  • Curator announcement threads
  • nOS Development discussions (for building apps and services)
  • Technical Questions
  • Other random discussions, such as the cryptocurrency markets!

The forum is maintained by the nOS team, so expect all nOS related questions to be answered quickly and efficiently!

How to register to nOS.Chat

  1. Download nOS Browser.
  2. Create a wallet and log in. Make sure to store your private keys securely!
  3. If you don’t have an nOS ID, click on the nOS ID app in the App Store.
  4. Create your nOS ID and verify your email address (check your spam folder if you didn’t get an email).
  5. Once your email is confirmed, in nOS Browser, navigate to nOS.Chat, click Log In, and click Approve on the nOS ID Connect prompt.
  6. You’re now logged in to nOS Chat and can start posting. Enjoy!

