Introducing nOS ID — Easily add your own crypto token to your Web App

Use nOS ID to build web apps that integrate with crypto currencies using the stack you’re comfortable with.

Dean van Dugteren
nOS - Decentralized Curation Platform
2 min readJan 25, 2019


nOS ID is the key to use crypto currencies and blockchain in any type of application.

nOS ID is our latest product to make crypto web app development as simple as possible.

If you have a web app and would like to integrate it with your own crypto-currency token, or if you just want to interact with your users’ crypto wallets (for payouts, points, promotions etc), nOS ID is the perfect solution for you.

The benefits

  • Build secure server-side applications that integrate with your own crypto-currency token (or smart contract).
  • Use your favorite language & framework.
  • One-click registration and login for server-side nOS applications.
  • Offer benefits (app features, game xp, points) to users based on their token balance without a hosted wallet (hosted wallets are insecure and add loads of liability to the app).
  • Increased security and conversion rates for crypto payments and transactions.
  • Integrate with nOS Client to let users make one-click payments (and any other type of transaction) directly in your application, without ever needing their private keys.
  • Following the OAuth2 standard, integration with any type of application is very easy.

What data can my app retrieve from nOS ID?

This is the data you can read from authorized users:

  • Email
  • Username
  • Verified user cryptocurrency addresses
  • NOS Holding Score

More features for reading (and writing) user data will be available in the future.

At the moment only NEO addresses are returned for the user’s Verified Addresses. Soon we will add Ethereum support for nOS ID and the rest of our stack!

Developer Documentation

Find our technical documentation and nOS ID tutorial here.

