nOS Announcement — 1 Week Later

Dean van Dugteren
nOS - Decentralized Curation Platform
3 min readApr 23, 2018

nOS was announced at the NEO ❤️ Amsterdam Event on April 14th.
One week has passed, and a lot of incredible things already happened.

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  1. Client Release
    Developers are already able to start building applications with NEO smart contract integration on the nOS Developer MVP, released on GitHub at the day of the announcement:
nOS Client

2. NEO Europe Tour
I (@deanpress) have joined the NEO Europe Tour (Madrid, Paris, Vienna, Zurich) to speak about nOS application development and the future of the nOS Virtual Operating System.

NEO Presentations in Madrid

3. Partnerships
We’re very honored to announce that NEO Global Capital (NGC) is the Angel Investor of nOS.

NGC is the Angel Investor of nOS

We’re also very excited to partner with Moonlight, the Smart Economy Workforce platform. Moonlight will build applications on nOS, and nOS will utilize Moonlight for rewarding contributions to the nOS codebase. This partnership demonstrates the fruitful possibilities of 2-way integrations between applications on the Smart Economy.

4. Tweet by Da Hongfei
We are excited that Da Hongfei tweeted about nOS during the NEO ❤️ Amsterdam announcement:

5. Medium Launch
With this blog post, we have officially launched our blog on Medium.

6. Community
In only 7 days, we reached an amazing influx of community members:
Newsletter: 25,000 Subscribers
Telegram: 11,000 Members
Twitter: 3,900 Followers
Discord: 2,100 Members

Token Generation Event (TGE) Details:

The nOS Token Generation Event will consist of 3 phases:

  1. Private Sale: The nOS private sale is exclusive to NEO partners, existing applications, and projects building on the NEO Smart Economy.
  2. KYC Whitelisting: There will be a KYC submission period for those who wish to participate in the Token Generation Event. Successful submissions are eligible to participate in the nOS token sale.
  3. Pre-sale: The public pre-sale guarantees an allocation of tokens for its participants. To qualify for the pre-sale: build a working PoC (Proof of Concept) application on nOS or contribute to the nOS codebase. Active participation in the nOS Discord Server (#develop channel) is required. Make sure to keep the team and community up to date about your application’s progress in Discord! For nOS development resources check out
  4. Public sale: The public sale’s distribution model will be fair for all participants.

More information, dates, and allocations are to be announced.

Thank you for your continued support. We are working hard on building our platform. We invite you to partake in the development, and to start building your own nOS application!

Let’s build the Smart Internet for the Smart Economy together!

