nOS Development Updates — Blockchain, Client, New Applications

Today we’re sharing new information on major nOS milestones.

Dean van Dugteren
nOS - Decentralized Curation Platform
3 min readApr 28, 2019


For the past year we’ve been working on building the initial nOS ecosystem products:

  • Native blockchain with unique features (both technical and economic)
  • OS clients for desktop and mobile
  • Application support for all popular blockchain platforms (Ethereum, EOS, NEO, TRON)
  • Platform-native applications
  • Realizing utilities of NOS as part of the blockchain
  • Identity bridge for server-side applications to interact with cryptocurrencies.

☝️ This stage of development is nearly complete.

As we’re working to finalize our initial products, we’re planning to move to the next stage:

  • 📅 Releases of products outlined above
  • 🎤 Execution of marketing campaigns to catalyze developer and end-user on-boarding
  • ⌨️ Further development
  • 🖥 Continuously adding more unique utilities to NOS as the ecosystem grows.

We expect to move into this next stage relatively soon.

nOS Client 0.6

If you’ve been following our Github, you may have seen some interesting new code updates on our development branches.

The 0.6 update will come with:

  • Support for apps on multiple blockchains (Ethereum, EOS, TRON, NEO).
  • Major account management updates, in anticipation of the nOS Blockchain and multi-blockchain support.
  • Guest mode sessions — Browse and use the decentralized ecosystem without being logged in to your blockchain account.
  • Dark theme 🎉

nOS Blockchain

Development of the nOS Blockchain is full gears ahead!

Our native public blockchain will introduce many unique features that are built specifically for the ecosystem, powered by NOS, the nOS Token.

You, as a token holder, will have the ability to contribute to the blockchain-powered ecosystem in various ways, and the network can actively reward you for doing so.

We expect to share our initial blockchain source code and public testnet in Q3 2019.

That’s all the information about the blockchain that we can share right now. We plan to share more details as we get closer to release, so stay tuned!

nOS Apps

We’re working to expand the nOS ecosystem with new native applications.

These applications are intended to increase the rate of adoption for our primary target group: consumer-level users.

We expect to share more details for our next native applications in the coming weeks.

The nOS app store is expanding soon!

We also recently launched our nOS ID Developer Competition, giving web developers the opportunity to win NOS by integrating nOS with their server-side application.

If you’re a web developer: implementing nOS ID in your app is extremely easy! Check out our technical documentation here.

Use Case: nOS Poker

nOS Poker serves as a source of inspiration for what can be done with nOS ID, and as one of the first games to introduce users to nOS.

To play, users must register using nOS ID, which can only be created using nOS Client.

The game has a dedicated community of players who are playing regular tournaments, and many new users signing up every day.

Note that nOS Poker is an independent nOS app, just like Nash, ForTheWin Lotto, and Travala.

