nOS Launches App Store

Next time you start nOS Client, you’ll have an app store!

Dean van Dugteren
nOS - Decentralized Curation Platform
1 min readMar 30, 2019


App Store

Today we’re releasing the initial version of the nOS App Store in nOS Client.

You’re able to discover and use the intitial mainnet applications that integrate (or plan to integrate) with nOS API or nOS ID such as nOS Poker, Travala, Nash Exchange, and ForTheWin Lotto.

Decentralization of the app store will take place on the nOS blockchain, which is under active development.

Nash Exchange on nOS

In anticipation of the beta version of the Nash exchange launch tomorrow (March 31st), we activated the Exchange button on nOS and are pointing it to the Exchange url. Native integration of Nash features with nOS are to be built after the public launch of Nash.

nOS in Malta

nOS founder Dean van Dugteren gave a course on decentralized applications at the AIM Academy in Malta.

