nOS Report #2 — Pre-sale Requirements, Platform Updates, NEO Europe Tour

Ever since we announced the nOS pre-sale requirements last week, our community (which is now over 50,000 strong in just 2 weeks!) raised some questions about participating in the pre-sale.

Let’s talk about that, plus the NEO Europe Tour and this week’s nOS platform updates.

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Pre-sale Requirements

Last week we published our public pre-sale requirements:

Only contributors to the nOS codebase and teams/developers building a dApp on nOS will qualify for the public pre-sale, unless otherwise stated.

nOS dApps that are submitted for pre-sale access are required to have a repository on GitHub with a reviewable commit history.

All project code must be under the MIT License.

Active Discord participation is required.

nOS pre-sale FAQ

Note: These details are about the pre-sale. The public sale will require no special efforts other than standard procedures (such as KYC/AML) unless otherwise stated.

1. How do I find a project or team members?

We have a nOS Networking Megathread in the /r/nOSplatform subreddit. Comment in that thread using the template given in the OP to find team members!

2. Can non-developers qualify for pre-sale?

Yes. If you’re not a developer, you can join or create a team. There are plenty of people looking for a development team in the nOS Discord.

Developers must upload their code (including commit history) on Github.

Non-developers in a team must log their progress and contributions using Github Gists. You can share these contributions frequently (such as once per week) on the nOS #develop Discord channel.

Only team members with significant contributions to a dApp will be taken into consideration for the public pre-sale.

Be productive and descriptive. Users contributing a single line of code, or a gist solely describing “Various business input.” will not be taken into consideration.

3. What nOS codebase contributions will qualify me for pre-sale access?

Important: To qualify through codebase contributions, you must follow the nOS Contribution Guidelines.

You can contribute to Github issues created by the core team with the “Community Issue” tag. After successful review of your GitHub Pull Request, and your contribution is merged into a branch, your contribution will count as valid.

Example of Community Issue

If you wish to make a contribution which is not listed as an existing issue:
Create your own issue and apply for the “Community Issue” tag by contacting the nOS team in the nOS Discord #develop channel.

4. What’s the deadline for dApp submissions?

This will be announced 1–2 weeks prior to the actual deadline.
You have at least until May 31st. Best time to start is now!

5. If I start building a dApp now, could I qualify for the pre-sale?


If you have any questions, feel free to contact us on the nOS Discord.

Europe Tour

nOS Founder & CEO Dean van Dugteren attended the NEO Europe Tour to present the nOS vision, and give NEO & nOS dApp creation workshops.


NEO Meetup @ Google Campus in Madrid


Dean (left) with one of the Paris workshop attendants (right) wearing an exclusive nOS t-shirt


Vienna’s crowd. Front row features City of Zion’s Chris Hager, Tyler Adams, Nikolaj Kuntner (left-to-right).


If you look at the right edge of this photo, you can see that multiple projector screens were used to display the screen to all participants in an angled room.

Platform Updates

Github Community Issues & Guidelines

Example Community Issue

The “Community Issue” label means the issue is open to be handled by community members. Successful contributions may result in access to the nOS public pre-sale.

We welcome contributions to the nOS code base. If you are interested in becoming a contributor, please read the contributing guide that covers the following:

nOS API npm package

The nOS API npm package allows for easier development and broader implementation of the nOS Javascript libraries.

Client Feature: nOS Protocol & Resolver

  • By adding a custom protocol, developers can use the built in URL class to parse queries for us.
  • Support dApps referencing images, sources, and other third-party files stored via the nos protocol. (e.g.: nos://third-party-file).
  • Further integration for third-party browser support. (e.g.: Users can open nos:// links from within Chrome/Firefox).

Client Feature: Transfer Funds

Added ability to transfer funds in the account section (Open PR, not yet merged)

nOS React dApp Starter Kit

Check out the documentation of the dApp-starter-kit to get started.


Muon Research & Development

Muon is a development framework based on Electron that’s built by the Brave team.

We’re considering integrating with Muon as it enables some Chromium browser-specific features, such as natively supporting a core set of extensions within the nOS Client (e.g.: 1Password, Anti-ad and tracking plug-ins, and Blockchain-specific Browser Extensions).

We will continue development on Electron for the time being, and integrate with Muon in the future.

Ending this post with an inspirational tweet

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