ESG Integration is Driven by Investors

Nossa Capital
Nossa Data
Published in
7 min readJul 13, 2020

One of the main drivers of ESG activity is institutional investor demand. We have begun investigating some of the world’s largest asset managers to understand exactly what they are looking for in terms of ESG communication.

What did we find?

Of the 12 asset managers we looked at, all of them have become signatories to the UN Principles for Responsible Investment and indicated their support to TCFD aligned reporting. Amundi, BMO and Generation IM are tied for first joining as signatories to the UN PRI in April 2006. Fidelity was the latest entry joining in February 2017. For TCFD the earliest supporters were Generation IM, UBS and Legal and General in June 2017. Goldman Sachs was the slowest to follow joining in September 2018. SASB received support from 8/12 of the asset managers assessed meanwhile 6/12 indicated support to the Climate Action 100+.

If you think that ESG does not have an impact on cost of capital, let’s take a look at this week’s scandal related to fashion retailer brand Boohoo. The Financial Times reported that one of the firm’s biggest shareholders, Standard Life Aberdeen (SLA) sold all of its holdings in Boohoo after an investigation claimed workers at a factory packing the clothes were paid below minimum wage. This decision was in part due to SLA’s commitment to invest responsibly. The firm cited concerns over the progress being made in terms of improving its management of supply chain transparency, environmental efficiency and working conditions.

On top of this, we have seen significant inflows to ESG focused funds over the last 3 years. In a recent poll conducted by Calastone, nearly three-quarters of respondents said ESG will become a standard across all funds, with only 16% viewing standards as a continued significant barrier to growth.

Subscriber Feature:

Product Managing for a Cause
Shelia Oviedo reflects on her experience working in product management + responsible investment. She shares: “Product management in the responsible investment space means PM-ing products that are used by financial services companies to reduce environmental and social risks in their investment portfolios. Such a product may be in the form of ratings or assessments produced by rating agencies or specialized data providers, or it can be a fund that asset managers offer to clients who would like to invest in a more sustainable and socially responsible portfolio of companies.”
Read her full reflection and lessons learned from 10 years of PM-ing in Responsible Investment.

Close Group Consulting and KKS Advisors Announce a Strategic New Partnership to Increase Transparency and Accelerate ESG Integration for Asset Managers
The two firms are launching an ESG integration assessment solution to meet the growing demand from both investors and investment managers for a set of standardized best practices to measure ESG integration across asset management firms. The Maturity Assessment Tool (MAT) is a technology-driven solution based on standard industry frameworks and leading practices that allows a firm to assess their ESG integration practices along a spectrum of activities. The MAT aligns to a firm’s functional model and allows for results to be compared against peers and be benchmarked to the industry.
Read the press release.

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  1. Investor expectations: Allocators are becoming more demanding and want to see evidence of ESG policies and how they are being implemented.
  2. Regulation: On 10 March 2021, asset managers will need to comply with the EU’s Disclosures Regulation, which is part of Europe’s long-term commitment to meet its climate change targets, and encourage the growth of sustainable finance.
  3. Performance: Increasingly, there is evidence that sustainable investing in companies with high ESG credentials not only allows managers to demonstrate their commitment to making a positive impact, it also leads to better financial returns.

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Financial Times.

Report Highlight of the Week:

Standard Chartered Sustainable Investing Review 2020
COVID-19 has caused a shift in the priorities of global investors who are re-evaluating the worth of investments that help society.

  • Interest in sustainable investing is very high — 90 per cent are interested and 42 per cent are considering investing 5 to 15 per cent of their funds in sustainable investments over the next three years
  • More than 40 per cent of investors surveyed consider Clean Water and Sanitation, Good Health and Wellbeing, and Climate Action to be the United Nations (UN) Social Development Goals (SDGs) of higher importance
  • Investors from different regions, have differing views on which of the SDGs are of higher importance, for instance, those from Hong Kong favour Climate Action and those in the UAE care more about Quality Education

Read the full report.

Other interesting readings:

PUBLIC COMPANIES: Disclosure of Environmental, Social, and Governance Factors and Options to Enhance Them

Most institutional investors U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) interviewed (12 of 14) said they seek information on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues to better understand risks that could affect company financial performance over time. These investors added that they use ESG disclosures to monitor companies’ management of ESG risks, inform their vote at shareholder meetings, or make stock purchasing decisions. Most of these institutional investors noted that they seek additional ESG disclosures to address gaps and inconsistencies in companies’ disclosures that limit their usefulness.

GAO’s review of annual reports, 10-K filings, proxy statements, and voluntary sustainability reports for 32 companies identified disclosures across many ESG topics but also found examples of limitations noted by investors. Twenty-three of 32 companies disclosed on more than half of the 33 topics GAO reviewed, with board accountability and workforce diversity among the most reported topics and human rights the least. Disclosure on an ESG topic may depend on its relevance to a company’s business. Most companies provided information related to ESG risks or opportunities that was specific to the company, though some did not include this type of company-specific information.

Read the report.

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