Donald Trump’s First 100 Days That Should Have Never Been

Nicole Pendergast
Not Adulting
Published in
5 min readApr 28, 2017

I’m going to be really blunt here.

I don’t hate Donald Trump because he is a Republican, and not even because he is a big old wad with small hands.

I know a lot of Republicans. When I was 18-years-old, I set out on a course for libertarianism and thought that all of the world’s problems could be solved by individual strength. Okay, so I cut out the Ron Paul speeches by my sophomore year in university, but I still maintained good relationships with almost the whole entire party of people I met and talked to on basis of right wing politics. They’re still people, and I don’t think they’re ever going to shoot me or anyone else for that matter. At most, they’re probably terrified of everything that is going on and don’t want to end up in some terrible apocalypse, and that’s easily understandable.

It’s a libertarian thing.

I was talking about why I hate Donald Trump, wasn’t I? Oh yes, and it has very little to do with the fact that he is a Republican scrooge, as I said.

Is it because he is a con artist and manipulative corporate interest main squeeze celebrity with big connections to terrible emirs and extremely wealthy — — screw it, Putin? Possibly, yes.

The man’s most dangerous oil czar and the loony tunes of real estate are the two most powerful bureaucrats in the world. Democracy is pretty much on the edge of some terrible paradox. In a social political climate where anyone can curry office with enough money and influence, the world’s worst two people really have, and they now control in total a nuclear arsenal of nearly 4,000 active warheads with an additional 8,300 stockpiled for whatever isn’t killed after the initial 4,000 are deployed.

Breathe. “Fear is the mind killer,” I have caught myself reciting about every single time I get into a deep conversation over this scenario. As if any time now the Muad’ Dib is going to show up and right the injustices of civilization.

Read Dune.

Donald Trump is an exceptional liar with enough skill and finesse to mislead an entire generation of people who pretty much grew up with severe trust issues. I watched myself fervently trying to reason with my right winger buddies who were losing all hope of ever leaving the Trump bubble. It became disturbing. Intellectual progressive people tuned into culture and social justice suddenly went kapoof and joined a giant train into Trumpland, singing around in circles “fuck globalism” and “don’t trust the media!”

I’m not kidding when I say that I know really intelligent people who thought that Trump was really going to make the Mexicans build a wall.

And now I hate Donald Trump because I have to laugh at all of them. Now I have to write “I told you so” posts on their wall every other day. Now they are ashamed of themselves and their President, and they should be.

Trump is 100 days into office on April 29th. In his first 100 days, Donald Trump has surrounded himself with nothing except for anarchy, and his promises were about as miserable as his branded business interests. The decline American political stability has only been more prominent during his transition into power. Within Trump’s own cabinet, we have seen entire offices of strategic defense and intelligence gutted for a guy who lasted less than 90 days over internal chaos that threw him into limbo.

The Simpsons made a gag of the huge rivalry between Bannon and Kushner.

Maybe Trump’s good buddy Vince McMahon can book Bannon vs Kushner for Wrestlemania 34. The loser must be devoured by Braun Strowman’s beard never to be seen again.

Trump’s shameful celebration of a health care proposal was shot down and ran over by leaders within his own party. Say what you want about Rand Paul, but give yourself a split second to thank him for turning a nightmare bill into feed for the shredding machine. Of course you may find yourself spitting on that sentiment in the months to come if Paul decides to come up with an idea that basically helps his own particular set of buddies over anyone else.

How is he doing on defense?

Oh, shit is just grand all around. The guys who were parading around six months ago shouting “FUCK NATO!” and “globalism is world domination” are now scratching their heads as Trump declares the vital strategic importance of NATO (probably after Mattis drilled it into his head with a spear tip). Maybe that also has something to do with the problems Trump caused with Putin’s strategic allies in Syria. The entire GOP suddenly realized after firing 59 cruise missiles, the reason why President Obama used very sophisticated and clandestine strategic resources in Syria is because bombing one of Russia’s buddies might spark some kind of panic for World War III. Who knew?

‘Thou shalt not fuck up western civilization’s greatest geo strategic military alliance!’

I’m on my eighth cold brew coffee of the day and I feel ready to punch God in the face, so believe me when I say that there is absolutely nothing even remotely intimidating about the approaching probability of war with North Korea.

With that being said, I do not live anywhere within the launch radius of their ballistic missiles, so take my machismo with a grain of salt.

Whatever happened over the course of a week ruled by tensions in the Korean peninsula, nothing was quite as ominous as 100 members of the Senate being called into a summoning from the Grand Conductor of Chaos himself.

The dilemma with North Korea goes beyond the political nightmare you have probably heard about in conversation for years now (or decades if you’re as old as my grandfather), and believe me when I say the nightmare is a lot worse if you’re in South Korea or Japan. Yeah, the United States is safe, but North Korea already has missiles that can strike over 60,000 United States military personal stationed around South Korea and Japan. So many know it all conservatives are banging their fists against their chest for war, but what they don’t realize is that fighting a war is not as easy as banging into your keyboard. Yes, sometimes fighting a war is as easy as barely fighting it at all.

He’s hiding a drone control stick in his other hand, but that’s about it.

At this point, does anyone even want to read about his miserable proposal for tax cuts, the spectacular confusion over this wall, and a war with the Supreme Court?

I don’t want to write about it. I don’t need that stress.

