The Force was strong with this Jimmy Kimmel Live skit featuring Adam Scott

Nicole Pendergast
Not Adulting
Published in
2 min readMay 7, 2017
Imagine Kristen Bell and Adam Scott discussing Mandalorian culture over a cup of caf.

Imagine sitting in the middle of a conversation and all of a sudden you are rudely interrupted by the greatest Jedi Master who ever lived.

That’s what happened to Parks and Recreation star Adam Scott during his May the 4th segment on Jimmy Kimmel Live.

Adam Scott describes the boyhood tribulation of having his dreams crushed.

Scott was a wee little die hard nerd when he invited Luke Skywalker to his seventh birthday bash. Unfortunately, according to Hamil, the actor was just way too tied up that week. Empire Strikes Back was weeks away from its initial release into theaters.

Of course, as we know the Force can do anything big or small, and with a little bit of belief everything comes together.

Could it be?

Hamil dropped in with a huge apology for failing to meet Adam Scott 37 years ago, and of course Scott was absolutely elated as was the entire audience at JKL.

