‘Healthy Treats’ Aren’t Helping

A treat is defined by how you behave with it. Not marketing.


Photo by David Todd McCarty on Unsplash

Adding the word ‘healthy’ is causing you to eat more sugar than you intended.

It’s increasingly difficult to make food choices that support a healthy weight because marketing has purposely created a murky food landscape. Your lizard brain wants sugar, and food companies want to give it to you but they know you’re trying to be ‘healthy’.

Now we’re told, you can have it all.

Enter the rise of ‘healthy treats’.

Think of all the food you face in a day that suggests itself with a wink and nod. You’re hungry! You need a treat! Here’s one that’s healthy!

Manufactured food (which is everything made in a factory, not just Twinkies and hot dogs) and how it’s marketed has seeped its way into our thinking. Unfortunately, it’s mostly to our detriment.

It’s health-washing pure and simple to take a sweet, calorie-dense food and claim it as healthy. Coconut sugar, maple syrup, and grain-free foods don’t make it consequence-free. They are less processed than a piece of cake but that’s almost worse when it comes to your thinking. You may consume more when your brain thinks of it as…

