How To Be Consistent

With your fitness, food, and anything else that’s important to you.


You can rely on something deeper.

Consistency is so fundamental to durable progress that I address it on the first day of my program. Out of 93 lessons, it’s the very first one.

Photo by Cristian Escobar on Unsplash

The question then becomes, how do we show up day after day?

I propose a radically simple answer. Choose joyful pursuits.

You might long for transformation, to smash big goals, and imagine all that’s done by hitting hard at the immovable object (you).

What works, and always has is the approach –what can I do regularly and often? It’s one thing to eat a salad for dinner. It’s a whole other thing to make your meals for years. That beneficial action becomes baked into your life and then produces the steady, desired results you’re looking for.

In this sense, you are what you repeatedly do. In fact, that’s already true. It’s just that what you’re repeatedly doing now might not be producing the outcomes you’d like.

Consistency is undervalued, even by those practicing it.

I had a friend who ran for years. Average distances but very consistently. He decided one day to…

