‘Maintenance Phase’ Doesn’t Exist

How you lost weight is how you have to live.

Rebecca Thomas, Founder
not another diet


Choose wisely.

Most people know that keeping weight off involves lifestyle changes (I’ve come to dislike the term because it sounds far too breezy to fully describe what’s actually needed) but still cling to the idea that losing weight and carrying on with that weight are separate stages.

They are not.

Photo by Uday Mittal on Unsplash

There isn’t one way to lose weight and a different way to live at that weight. There is how you live and the body that produces, nothing else.

Part of the reason we hold bad ideas like a maintenance phase is that we’ve come to only understand weight loss through diet culture frameworks and marketing. You deprive to lose and then go on about your regular life.

The rub is that it’s your regular life that caused the weight gain in the first place.

