Say Nice Things To Yourself

Not Another Diet — Principle 8


you are the human

There are a whole lot of ways to be perfect, and not one of them is attained through punishment.”

A funny thing happened after my divorce. I was quietly organizing my new apartment, moving things from here to there, when I suddenly and painfully became aware that I was continuing our destructive dialog. The same arguments, criticisms, rage. When I dug a little deeper I found my Mother’s voice in there too.

It was a startling realization that if I couldn’t find someone to speak poorly to me, I would unconsciously manifest it. It wasn’t enough to leave my husband or for my Mom to pass away, I had to face the fact that this was how I spoke to myself.

Once I began paying attention to my inner dialog I was horrified to discover how casually cruel I was to myself. I regularly scrutinized my body and found it ‘gross’. I was a failure, not good enough, not pretty enough, not smart enough. Not enough, full stop.


It was one thing to remove people from my life who treated me this way, but, what to do about how I was treating myself? It had been happening for so long that it was a seamless part of my consciousness. Put on my shoes, examine my thighs, and be…

