Simplicity Rules

Free yourself from complexity traps so you can make progress on what matters most.


Photo by Mike Dorner on Unsplash

“Strangely, life gets harder when you try to make it easy” James Clear

I have a theory that people pursue effortlessness when what they actually want is simplicity. One is a fantasy based on marketing and ideas formed in childhood (ease equals worthiness). The other is how to start and ensure consistency doing effortful things.

Anything worth pursuing requires effort.

Or, everything that matters is effortful.

Accepting this truth clears the way to set priorities. You can no longer nurture fantasies that high-effort goals happen on the margins of your life.

Weight loss is effortful. I don’t mean in the way of flipping tires or pretending you aren’t hungry. It’s an effort to make your meals and move every day.

Consistency is the sustained effort required to experience long-term success.

I’m devoted to simplicity because consistency is unattainable without it.

The secrets to progress aren’t complicated. What’s complicated is doing it every day. This is where the structure of our lives upends our best…

