Swap Brownies For Impulse Buys

Does that still sound like coping?


Have you heard?

There’s a pandemic and it’s stressful and if you have to eat your way through then do it because you do you, boo.

I’m seeing this message all over the place and it’s making me a bit nuts.

Think of it this way, if you heard that someone was spending money on impulse purchases would you advise them not to worry about the resulting credit card bills?

Now a global survey conducted earlier this year confirms what Mr. Loy and many others experienced firsthand: The coronavirus pandemic and resulting lockdowns led to dramatic changes in health behaviors, prompting people around the world to cut back on physical activity and eat more junk foods. It drove anxiety levels higher and disrupted sleep. And those who are obese, who already face increased health risks, may have fared the worst, the researchers found.

Weight gain causes distress and leads people right to harmful diets.

That’s not a small matter. I’ve spoken with so many people through the not another diet program who feel burdened by a lifetime of gaining and losing and gaining more. The injury to self-worth and lack of peace is very real.

We need a new narrative about how to deal with stress, one that aligns with our well-being (mental and physical).

How about?

  • take a walk (long or short)

