The Manifesto

In my 50’s I will:

Rebecca Thomas, Founder
not another diet


  • Trust myself without reservation. The cost of rumination is too high. My instincts are excellent and even when I make a misstep I’ve proven over and over I know how to course-correct.
  • Wear beautiful things. Or not. It was for me the whole time.
  • Think of romance as a value-added, not central to my happiness. The endless searching took energy away from more valuable pursuits.
  • Quit explaining my value to others (other than my customers). Maybe it’s someone else’s job to see, and not mine to make them look.
  • Protect my peace. Boundaries are everything.
  • Let go with love. Lots of things won’t be right or right enough. I will move on without anger.
  • Understand that taking care of myself is the real work of my life, all else comes after.
Photo submitted by the author.
  • Keep my promises to myself because that relationship is the template for all others.
  • Quit striving, worrying, or putting energy into making relationships come to me. What is meant for me will make itself known.
  • Trust my ideas. Trust my work.
  • Be immensely proud of how I’ve handled myself to arrive here. Two bouts of cancer are no joke and I came out on the other side thriving.
  • Believe that perfection is tyranny. Creation is iteration.

Tell me in the comments, how will you handle this decade you’re in?

