The Motor Tom
Not Complaining, But…
2 min readMar 26, 2015



A week in the life of The Motor Tom

First and foremost, for those of you who have kept up enough with NCB closely enough to recognize our new look, KUDOS! Your prize? Nothing! Absolutely nothing! hahahahaha…… Anyway, here’s the thing: we know we’re not exactly The New York Times but despite shitty readership there are a number of reasons why we’ll never bail on NCB’s upkeep:


Tunnel vision is dangerous, particularly for the creative type. You see, we’re multidimensionaly dudes. If we had our choice of activity, of course, we would choose to play music at any given time, but we also can’t help but wonder about politics, wonder about social behaviors and have the inclination to write about things subjects that swim around our minds.


We’ve all heard the adage work smart, not hard. While that certainly makes for a decent general guide that prevents wasted effort, sometimes you just have to do shit. Idle hands are the devil’s playground, after all, right? The creative mind often works like a vending machine and not all items in it were created equal. Sometimes the best things aren’t right up front, so you’ve got to clear some crap out of the way. While we’re not writing songs here, we do allow ourselves to discuss topics that would be rather clunky if stuffed into the confines of a Motor Tom song. Not that we don’t touch on important topics in our lyrics, but being overtly politcal doesn’t play all that nicely with our brand of music… at the moment.


You never know! Someone stumbles upon this thing, likes it and what we have to say. That alone is a beautiful thing, but you never know when that person gets turned onto the other shit you do. Ya know, like the music you make. You also never know who might disagree with you, and disagreement often provides opportunity for growth and learning. Finally, you never know when you write a story, make up a character, discover a new theme or something of that nature when you might find yourself inspired to infuse your lyrics, maybe even the music that goes with it, with fresh creative material.

So, to be downright honest, beyond wanting to remind our few readers that we are HEADLINING IN BROOKLYN FOR THE FIRST TIME ON FRIDAY, we haven’t terribly much to report. We want to start writing stories, though. Maybe we’ll dig up some of our Edgar Allan Poe collections from high school…



The Motor Tom
Not Complaining, But…

“Not Complaining, But…” is this thing we put out every month. It’s about us, but it’s also about… other stuff. See? ===>