7 Practical Ways to Do Good, Better

The THX Co.
Not Just For Profit
3 min readMar 4, 2015


By: The THX Co.

We all want to do good - but it doesn’t always feel good, to do good.

These seven ways to Do Good, Better allow us to focus our attention on what really matters and help each other along the way.

1) Never forget what mamma told you:

“Shut up and listen!”

Everyone wants to change the world, but no one wants to listen to each other. That’s an issue.

Nothing is more annoying than trying to talk to someone who keeps interrupting you. So often, we feel the need to burst out with a million things to say before someone even finishes their sentence.

Take the time to actually hear what other people are saying. Don’t just pretend. Listening is one of the hardest things to do — we all know it — but, when we do, our interactions turn out to be so much better.

2) Get uncomfortable — for someone else.

Not everyone gets the chance to rescue a cat from a burning building, but we can all do our best to do something for someone else — even when it comes at our own expense.

Call it God, karma, or the universe — but what you sow is what you reap, and that doesn’t change.

Have the courage to seek out kindness.

Say good morning, smile at people, hold the door open, and let the road rage go.

It’s these small acts of kindness that breathe purpose into our lives and you’ll be surprised how much joy comes from doing it.

3) When you Graduate, GRADUATE!

It doesn’t matter if you’re finishing high school, graduating college, switching jobs or even moving — when it’s over, it’s over.

It’s hard letting go, no one would say differently, but when we fail to move on — the consequences are devastating.

As the saying goes: “When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things.”

Doing good better means setting our sights on what we have to do now, and doing it — regardless of how we feel.

4) There’s a time for everything — but plan ahead.

It’s hard to be reliable — so plan ahead.

Interruptions are inevitable, but we can’t use them as excuses in life — it only makes us look bad in the long run.

Whether it’s showing up early, meeting deadlines, or following through on a commitment — let your yes be yes. Organizational skills are crucial in any profession — as well as life.

5) Think about the next 1,000 days.

The next 1,000 days are the most critical for each one of us to consider — regardless of where we’re at in life.

Ask yourself: “What’s my dream — and what steps must I take in order to get there?”

Directly tying today into that dream helps us to see the most important parts of each day. You are the final result of the things you do daily.

Make a plan, have the guts to begin and fortitude to finish.

6) Why Not Start Today?

Develop routines that can help jumpstart your day. Make it flexible enough so that you can still follow it on the weekends.

Say a prayer. Stretch. Meditate. Exercise for an hour.

Whatever you do, give meaning to yourself by using those first 90 minutes to prepare your mind, soul, and body for what’s most important.

7) Above All, Be Thankful. (Science is on your side)

There are times when the last thing on our mind is gratitude. Your boss just fired you, or even worse, a close friend dies. Who could be grateful?

It’s hard to be thankful during such times — but a little bit of gratitude can change everything.

Scientific studies show that gratitude increases our ability to help others, feel good, and strengthen relationships.

Gratitude can help get us through the tough times and it always helps to remind us of all the amazing things that matter most.

Mom would always say, “the more you give, the more you receive.”

Turns out — she was right about that, too.



The THX Co.
Not Just For Profit

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